Chapter Eight

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   The sun rose higher in the sky, soon our skin would reflect the light like a mirror; we had to find shelter in case anyone was nearby.

   “Emily the sun...” Jaden was stood next to her he gently nudged her, this in when Elijah would pop up and tell us what to do but with him not around it was up to Emily and she didn’t like making decisions that could easily go wrong.

   “You all stay here I’m going to see who lives here.” Emily darted silently off towards the house, it appeared to be empty. I glanced at Angel who was looking at me although when we made eye contact he quickly looked away. I sighed and looked back at the house where Emily was. Then the front door of the beautiful house flew open and in the doorway stood a handsome half cast man, Amy went to run but Jaden stopped her. I looked closer at this man, the house was about one hundred feet away but that was no problem for my eyesight, I focused and saw he had bright round eyes and scars on his face like Elijah’s. His black hair fell in dreadlocks around his heart shaped face.

   “Oh Thomas!” Emily smiled and threw her arms around him, he hugged her back and revealed a set of beautiful white teeth.

   “Wow Emily Wynters! Look at you! Looking as beautiful as ever! But tell me where is Elijah I expected him to be with you all.” He motioned towards Jaden, Angel, Amy and I.

   “Oh well it’s a long story but how did you know we were coming? And how long have you been here?” Emily looked just as confused as I felt.

   Thomas laughed and invited us all in.

   The inside was just as beautiful as the outside, we entered straight into a large living area it was totally the opposite of our old living room. It was so bright a mixture of colours and patterns, the sofas were patterned all sorts of colours as were all of the rugs covering the oak floor, there was a fire place lit against the left wall and it looked so inviting, there was a flat screen TV on the right wall and a big leather arm chair facing it. We were all invited to sit on a sofa and dump our bags next to the fire, we did so without question and made our selves comfortable I sat in the middle of the sofa with Angel and Jaden either side of me and Emily and Amy on another while Thomas leant over the fire.

   “Well the Wynters clan really has grown.” A smile grew on Thomas’s golden face.

   “Indeed we have tripled our original number.” Emily smiled but immediately stopped when she remembered Elijah, my heart bled for her then, I wondered what it must be like to love someone and miss them that much.

   “Well April and I were planning to double our numbers but we ended up taking in three new vampires so we are now a coven of five.” He smiled and started into the fire.

   “Where is April? It’s been so long I’ve missed her.” Emily brightened up at the mention of this April person.

   “Oh she’ll be along I think she’s in the library you know what she’s like for reading.” Thomas’s voice was deep and had a rich accent to it, I was growing to like Thomas.

   “She always was very bright Thomas,” Emily relaxed abit more in the sofa, “So why are you all here? Elijah showed me this place ages ago saying how when our coven was complete we needed to move here so we could have more space to train. The last thing I expected to see the Ivory coven here.”

   Thomas laughed, “Well I didn’t know you had your eyes on this place and I guess I thought the same as Elijah and me and my family have been living here for weeks now,”

   “...Elijah is gone.” Amy said, Emily looked round at her shocked. I guess it was a shock to have someone actually say it out loud instead of ignoring it.

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