Chapter Eleven

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   The rest of the day passed slowly and uneventfully, rather boring. Everyone sticking to their separate things and doing their own thing that is until night fell... It was a night to remember, it finally happened. Elijah returned! There was so much commotion. Emily was crying and everyone else including me was bugging him about where he had been all this time! Once we were all settled he explained to us how all those nights ago he was coming home and got ambushed by another vampire of a new coven they wanted to know his plans for the war and his new coven Elijah refused to indulge such information to a stranger, however this stranger then held him for a while trying to get information out of him. Elijah had to kill him as he refused to let him go. Elijah told us all how it was just a rookie vampire probably created by another coven but then rejected; he might not have been a good fighter.

   The hours passed and it was just like normal the Wynters were together and the Ivory’s loved Elijah, him and Thomas acted like brothers and it was a lovely atmosphere in that living room.

   The hours passed and it would soon be dawn so Elijah made me a Wynter, officially. It was amazing; all of the Wynters journeyed up to the highest mountain peak as Elijah said it was beautiful and perfect for this sort of ceremony. We were all in a circle and I was in the middle, Elijah uttered some words under his breath, I could only hear my name and the Wynters. He spoke silently but once he was finished I felt warm and alive despite being a cold dead vampire. I could feel my blood change, not in a horrible way but in a comforting way, this lasted for around ten seconds then Emily gave me a big hug and breathed the words, “I love you Scarlett Wynters.” I know I’m home.


   “You’re fast Scarlett!” Devon was laughing as I raced him up a tree.

   “I’m just warming up!” I got to the highest branch and hung off it from one hand like a monkey. I looked down to see Devon still half way up his tree. We were in the woods near the mountains training. I loved being outside, we would train by day in the deepest part of the forests where prying eyes couldn’t see us and by night we would hunt in cities all around. Hunting little and often and training constantly we were becoming stronger by the hour.

   “Oi! Scarlett I’m racing you now, you’re so gunna loose!” I could see Jaden sneering from the ground, I let go of the branch and fell gracefully to the floor. I fall of that height could have killed a human but I didn’t even have a scratch.

   “Shut up Jaden you don’t stand a chance!” Devon landed next to me.

   “We’ll see about that!” Jaden punched me in the shoulder making me laugh. We often split up to train to make it simpler but when we had to group train we would often meet in a clearing. Today it was just me Devon and Jaden together racing up the tallest trees we could find.

   “Okay, on three,” Devon smiled as we stood at the base of the trees no run ups aloud. “.. One .. Two .. Three!”

   I put all thoughts aside and gripped the tree bark letting my fingernails dig in firmly; I jumped up pushing my feet off the floor and gripped the tree with them then began climbing. I didn’t look down trying to find Jaden I just looked up at the tiny fluffy clouds in the sky and imagined flying with them. I got nearer the top of the tree and could feel the wind whipping through my long hair.

   “Did it!” I shouted as I sat on the highest branch, vampires we extra light so whereas this branch could barely hold a baby I could rest on it easily.

   “That was a matter of seconds Scarlett well done!” Devon smiled at me as a sent him a wave from my branch, Devon was a lot happier being outside and not slouched in front of the telly although he wouldn’t ever admit it.

   “So Jaden...” I laughed as he just reached the top of his tree only a few metres from mine.

   “Shut up you.” Jaden grinned menacingly as he pounced from his tree to mine making my branch wobble slightly; we ended up wrestling until we landed on the floor with a gentle thud. Then he started tickling me, much to my dislike.

   “Hey! Stop it!” I struggled for air and had bright red hair blocking my sight.

   “Okay fine you’re no fun.” Jaden laughed as he helped me up, I was taking leaves and mud out of my hair and making myself look less homeless.

   “Okay I’m bored now.” Devon started kicking leaves and an evil grin settled on his face, “Hey lets go find the others.”

   We silently walked through the forest in search of another group training vampires, we avoided leaves on the floor and held our breath for ages, we planned on sneaking up on someone just for a laugh and it was also training to it was a win-win situation for us.

   “Yup someone’s near.” Jaden moved his lips so silently so we could only hear it didn’t even look like his lips were moving but he was holding in a giggle I could tell.

   “Shut up Amy your worse than me!” I heard Angel’s mocking tone and I allowed my eyes to zoom in on what was far ahead of me. It was Angel, Amy and Clover running down mountains that at some points were ninety degrees!

   “Yeah but she could at least try!” Amy was being her usual controlling self. We all edged closer wanting to spy on the situation.

   “Just back off okay seriously!” Angel had his arms around Clover who seemed to be crying, I felt sick seeing this but I don’t know why.

   “It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t like heights she’s a vampire know she should be over it!” Amy was at the top of the mountain kicking snow down to the floor where Angel was cradling a silently sobbing Clover, her dirty blonde hair was shaking with her shoulders and her head was in her hands.

   “Oh no Amy takes things way too far.” Jaden whispered before running off to see what he could do, me and Devon followed.

   “Jaden tell her! Tell her she needs to grow up!” Amy stomped her foot like an immature ten year old and crossed her arms; I can imagine her sulking soon.

   “Just get down here Amy so we can sort this out rationally.” Jaden beckoned for her to come down, I loved how he was so mature about these petty little things. It took a while but Amy did come down.

   “What’s your problem girl?” Devon walked over to Clover but kept glaring at Amy.

   “She is my problem!” Amy spat out.

   “I thought you two were like that.” I crossed my fingers and showed her.

   “Yeah well people change.” Amy stuck out her bottom lip and crossed her arms.

   “Yeah they do.” I said as I turned by back on her and went over to Clover, I didn’t want to be mean to Amy it hurt me to do it but she had no right to suddenly be mean to Clover I didn’t like mean people.

   A few hours later things were awkward. It was almost midnight which was when we left to hunt; I was looking forward to tonight because we were returning home, well where the Wynters considered home which means we will be near where the old me Scarlett Nights considered home. And near Ethan, I planned on visiting him as the hunt drew to a close. That night was awkward for a number of reasons, in the hours leading up to us leaving things were unusually quiet. Elijah, Emily, Thomas and April were out they didn’t say where or why they just left. Angel was with Clover cheering her up after Amy’s outburst earlier and Amy was nowhere to be found Jaden presumed she was out cooling off and for Clovers sake I hoped she was. Jaden was with Lewis in the library discussing battling, as they were the oldest vampires they seemed to take a subconscious lead over us all and took battles very seriously. And as for me well I was stuck in the living room listening to Devon’s rants at the Television screen. It wasn’t so bad though I had time to think and I could lose myself in the fire. I loved watching the flames dance, duck and dive on the wood it looked so beautiful as if it was choreographed to be so. I sighed and pressed my fingertips to my temples, today had been strange. I didn’t know why I felt so sick when I saw Angel with Clover I didn’t understand it but I felt this was something that I needed to work out on my own.

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