Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: short but dramatic...)


   I had never felt so alive.

   I ran at the nearest vampire he was a lot like the first we had all seen but was less scarred and had much shorter hair, I ran at him and he held out his arms to grab me but I jumped up off the floor and punched him right in the nose, everything was in slow motion as I felt the crash of my small pale fist on his large beaked nose, I didn’t hesitate in doing it again, he reached for my legs but I pulled them higher in the air and before I knew it I had front flipped and landed behind him, he spun round and punched me in the stomach I groaned but managed to quickly ignore the throbbing sensation on my abs. I reached into his belt and grabbed a throwing knife which was much sharper than ours so I didn’t hesitate in stabbing his lower stomach, any human would have broken their entire arm stabbing a vampire but as I was strong and a vampire myself I felt a smirk land on my face as blood spurted all over my black skinny jeans and Black Veil Brides hoodie, I heard the vampire groan and he grabbed me by the throat holding me in the air. His grip was tight and I could feel the blood heavy in my head and his rough hand blistered my skin; I raised my right hand and drove the knife into his wrist and the blood flew from his wrist and he dropped me immediately I saw my chance and jumped onto his shoulders I placed my hand either side of his neck and broke his neck he crashed to the floor. I tucked the bloody throwing knife into my spikey belt and looked up to see everyone fighting, I was the only one who had managed to down a vampire. Angel was tackling a vampire much like mine but other than that it looked like a free for all.

   “The one with the red hair!” I heard the first man shout.

   Next thing I know he let off a smoke grenade and we are all temporarily blinded.


   “Explain Scarlett explain!” Amy shouted at me.

   “What do you want to know!?” I was getting tired of this the smoke grenade had been let off an hour ago and everyone was on my case.

   “Why did that guy notice you and then leave?”

   “Well if I knew that I probably would have told you by now.”

   “Okay enough, Amy lay off and Scarlett pipe down.” Jaden spoke up and pushed us down, we were in the library and all thoroughly confused.

   “Why did they do it?” Devon whispered he had his arms around Clover who was silently crying.

   “Does it matter? We need to hunt them down and kill them!” Lewis was slumped in an arm chair and was twitching with anger.

   “No we need to stop and think about this.” I stood up next to Jaden and nudged him to let him know that I was on his side.

   “I think you should tell us what you think seen as they took such a liking to you.” Angel snickered at me from across the room, he was leaning against the fire place and looking liked he owned the place.

   “W-Well I think this war is about vampires versus vampires and did you hear what those vampires said about a coven execution? I don’t care what anyone says I’m going to get the truth out of Elijah when they get back.” I folded my arms and furrowed my brow trying to look authoritative and failing miserably as Angel smirked at me from across the room.

   The next few minutes were filled with heated debate and we decided to talk to everyone else when they got back and not a few minutes later they did...

   “What are you talking about? Stupid children!” April spat at us all, she looked tired and stressed her tiny pursed lips seemed smaller than ever and her black hair looked crazy she seemed to resemble a witch but a very pretty one.

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