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Walking into Louis' apartment was like a breath of fresh air knowing that we could be all over each other and not worry about being seen.

And oh boy did I take advantage of this. As soon as Louis closed the door, I dropped my bag and pulled him close. I softly pulled on his white top, bringing his face down to mine and kissed him.

"Calm your ball Harry. We have the whole afternoon and evening and tomorrow morning. Plus if we don't start dinner now it won't be ready till half eight." Louis directed me to his room so I could put my bag down and get changed into something comfy. I put on the pair of joggers I had packed and a top I found in Louis' wardrobe before going back down the hall to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to see Louis pouting flour into a large plastic bowl. "Can I help?" I asked.

"Of-" Louis spotted what I was wearing. "You little minx."

"What?" I asked pulling the 'ot' sound out in a sickly sweet tone.

"You look good in my clothes." He then grabbed some liquid in a jug and poured it in the bowl.

"Mix this for me? Just till it combines then I'll tell you what to do next." I did as he asked and placed a kiss on his cheek.

It combined quite quickly so I called Louis over and he showed me how to kneed the dough. It was a horrible feeling having the dough between my fingers and under my nails but I carried on as Louis told me the best way to get rid of it was to continue.

He was correct..

We then left the dough to rest and expand.

"Now, that's going to take a couple of hours so got my room, grab the duvet and, if you can carry them too, the pillows off my bed." I gave Louis a weird look before walking away to his room to get everything he asked for.

After chucking the duvet over my head and the pillows under my arms I stumbled my way back to the living room to find the coffee table on the other side of the room and Louis positioning chairs.

"Brilliant! Dump them between the chairs, I'm going to go grab some blankets." At that point I cottoned on to what he was saying. We were making a fort.

I put everything down then grabbed the throw that was over the back of the sofa and put it down as a layer before putting the duvet over the top so we didn't have to lay on the carpet. When I was younger my dad would make forts with me all the time. He taught me lots of different tricks and tips so they were always perfect. The blanket on the bottom was one of them.

I then positioned the pillows from Louis' bed where our heads would be. I grabbed the pillows from the sofa and built them up for a bit more comfort.

Louis then came back with a couple of  blankets and a bucket of pegs. After arranging the blankets and pegging them down I went to the toilet.

Once I had done my business, washed my hands, Louis called me into the kitchen to continue helping him with our homemade pizza. I cut up the toppings while Louis rolled out the pizza bases and covered them in this weird tomato paste stuff.

We topped our pizzas soon after and then put them in the oven. "Don't go into the living room until I say. Stay here and keep an eye on the pizzas. When they're done call me in." Louis then mysteriously walked off.

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