Thirteen- Meetings Meetings Meetings.

Start from the beginning

I turned around when then car was out of sight and walked over to the double doors. The building was huge, at least four times the size of my school back at home, I gulped. I looked at the building, almost certain that I was going to get lost on a regular basis.

I pushed through the double doors and found my self in room with a sign that read 'Reception'. The space was pretty bare apart from the walls, they were covered in brightly coloured posters and photographs. I was so nervous, the palms of my hands were clammy and my breathing came short and fast.

A short plump lady with grey hair sat behind a large desk, tapping away on her computer. I walked over to her and cleared my throat, causing her to jump a little and look up.

"Hi, I'm Rhi, erm Rhiannon Lewis. I have a meeting with Mrs George at eight forty five. Could you possible let her no I'm here or, erm.. tell me where I'm suppose to go." I stuttered. Pull yourself together you complete mess.

"Mrs George will be with you shortly, but in the meantime, take a seat on those chairs over there. And try not to be so nervous, she's a lovely lady, I promise." She smiled sweetly.

"Thank you" I said returning the smile, feeling a tiny bit better. I turned around and made my way over to the chairs she pointed to, flopping down.

After thirty minutes of waiting and just as I was considering making a run for it and putting my sorry arse on a plane back to London, the doors opposite me swung open and revealed a tall lady mixed race, with crazy curly brown Afro hair which was pulled into a short ponytail. She was dressed formally and heading in my direction with a grin so I guessed this was Mrs George.

"You must be Rhiannon. I'm Mrs George. I'm so glad to finally meet you. I've heard and seen many amazing things from you." She said in a New York influenced accent that I'd heard a lot of lately.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs George. I've been looking forward to this day since I found out about it last week." I lied. I wouldn't say I wasn't excited, but my nerves took over.

"Ahh I'm glad. Lets take this into my office. I'm sure you have questions and things you want to say, just as I have." She said as she span on her heels and started speed walking through a set of double doors and into a long corridor.

After around two minutes of us walking, we reached the end off the hall and came to a large brown oak door with a gold plaque and bold black lettering reading 'Mrs George, Principle.'

Opening the door and hurriedly rushing in, Mrs George took of her suit blazer and hung it on the back of a large black leather swivel chair that sat behind a dark oak desk that matched her office door.

The first thing I noticed was that Mrs George was untidy, very untidy for a principle. Her rubbish bin next to her desk was overflowing with scrunched up pieces of paper, her desk was cluttered with books, folders and empty cups of coffee, and her Apple Mac computer was completely covered with post it notes that had scribbled writing all over them.

Behind the desk was a huge book shelf that held hundreds of books that had been rammed onto the shelves. To say the book shelf was lacking space would clearly be an understatement.

I don't no why, but her untidiness made me relax a fraction. Maybe because it showed she was human after all and not a crazy monster that was going to tear my head right off my shoulders.

Mrs George was the first one to speak as she was picking up piles of folders from the chair in front of the desk.

"Miss Lewis, take a seat. Sorry it's a little messy in here. The winter term is quickly approaching and the preparations are always hectic." She said as she slipped into the seat behind the desk and straightened a photo frame.

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