"Frances, mind if we have a little talk?" she said.

"Uh-sure," said Frances to Polydora. Then turning to Leo, she said, "Take care of Dianne for me for a while."

Leo smiled at her and nodded.

Frances and Polydora then took off to somewhere.

"So Dianne, what do you want to do?" he asked me, smiling.Oh my gods, he is so cute!

"I - uh - I want - uh - I - what do YOU want to do?" I stammered. Gods, I'm so nervous around him, but I know that I must keep myself in control, not to be flirty much.

"Well, I wanted to boom the cannons..." he said, smirking.

"But you musn't! Clarisse will kill you!" I told him. "And it's dangerous."

"Well, danger is the middle of my middle name!" he told me, crossing his arms. "Besides, Frances would've agreed with me..."

Wait - is he telling me that Frances os better than me?

"What?" I asked him, furious as ever.

"Oh, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry!" he said. "I meant that Frances would've agreed with me because we're the same. We're like siblings! Siblings!"

"Well, okay then," I said. "Why would you want to boom the cannons anyway?"

"Oh, nothing," he said and skeddadled off.

"Hey - wait!" I ran after him.


Leo's POV

Now THAT was a good catch. I almost blew my cover that I like Frances better than Dianne.

I don't want to hurt Dianne's feelings.

But I also don't want Frances to not know what I feel for her.

Gods, this is so hard.

Anyway, I made my way towards a cannon that is as big as my body.

"Leo! Don't!" I heard Dianne say.

I sighed, "What?" Sometimes, people just have to adjust to what I want to do.

"I care for you, Leo. And I know what will happen if you boom that cannon. I can see the future," she said.

"No you can't," I told her.

"Yes I can!" she said.

"No! Your father is the god of haikus and healing," I told her.

"Apollo is also the god of oracles and prophecies. Therefore I can read the future," she told me. She is right. Ugh!

"Fine," I told her. "But now I'm bored."

"Well, we could have a private talk," she smiled at me. "Only the both of us, talking about things."

"Like a date?" I looked at her surprised. Why did I say that word?

"Well if that's how you put it, then yes," she said.

And that's how a conversation about cannons turned into a date.

Dianne took me above the deck where we looked at a horizon.

"So, Leo, you know that I like you," she began the conversation, with nervousness in her eyes.

"Yeah..." I said.

And surprisingly, she giggled. "I just can't believe that I'm in a date with you right now!"


She nodded and smiled. "I've been wanting to ask you this..." she said.


"Do you like me as a friend, or more than that?" she asked.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say. Yes, I liked Dianne more than a friend BEFORE. But now, I'm afraid that I only like her as a friend.

My mind says that I should not answer her at all, for I don't want to hurt her, and I don't want to lie.

But my heart says that I need to tell her that I only like her as a friend, and that I love her sister, Frances. I cannot keep it in any longer.

"There's something I need to tell you," I began nervously. "I - I - I only like you as a friend."

I looked away from her, not wanting to see her obviously hurt expression.

"I'm sorry Dianne, I really am," I told her. "It's just that, I'm in love with someone else. I'm sorry, I hope you understand."

"Well, who is it you love?" she asked, with tears in her eyes but with a smile in her mouth.

"Frances," I told her. "I love Frances."

"I knew that you wouldn't love me, and I also know that Frances is better than me," she said, crying. "I admit it. I'm a nobody, I am a weakling. And it really hurts to admit that."

"No you're not a weakling nor a nobody!" I said, wiping her tears away. Even though what I did was out of its place, Dianne was still my friend. "Dianne, you killed plenty of monsters, okay? I admit that before, I also liked you more than a friend. But I really hope you'd understand that before is different from now."

"I understand Leo, I perfectly do," she said standing up. "My sister is always better than me. It took me a long time to realize that. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to rest."

Dianne then jumped off the deck and ran towards a room and closed the door.

Sigh, now why did I tell her all that?

I'm so stupid. Probably now, she developed a little hate in her sister, and it's all because of me.



I'm really sorry to end this chapter here. But I swear to the River Styx that if this chapter gets at least 4 votes and 4 comments, I'll post the next chapter.

So, Dianne's attitude changes here because she really loves Leo and she got really hurt that Leo loves Frances more than her.

Anyway, at least the truth came out... But still Frances doesn't know that...

So, please vote, comment, fan, and also promote this story, please? Thank you.

Read and Rock on!

Lea V.

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