Chapter 6

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Frances' POV

"Now let's go to Camp Half-Blood!" said Grover as he opened the door of our apartment, that lead us to our fate.

A taxi was in front of our apartment.

Grover went first and sat in the taxi. Dianne sat next, then me, then Leo. And soon, we were off to someplace I don't know.

And we were going pretty fast.

Might I just tell you that I get carsick? And I think it's pretty recognizable, because I change color and my face goes like this: >o<

Anyway, Leo noticed that I am carsick because he said, "Are you carsick?"

I quickly nodded and turned my head in the other direction to avoid puking.

"It's okay," he said patting my back. "As long as you don't vomit on my toolbelt, we're cool!"

"Where are we going?" asked Dianne suddenly.

"Camp Half-Blood," replied Grover. "It is the one of the safest place for us."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"We'll explain later," said Leo. "Now, let's just sing."

"500 bottles of milk on the wall, 500 bottles of milk! Take one down pass it around, 499 bottles of milk! 499 bottles of milk on a wall, 499 bottles of milk, take one down pass it around, 498 bottles of milk!" He sang with an off-pitch.  

I groaned, that song goes on forever like counting from 0-1000.

He continued singing until he reached zero bottles of milk, by then me and Dianne were asleep. Actually I wasn't asleep, I just closed my eyes and had a thought on what was happening.


I wish to know what is happening. Why Mom let us leave? All of the words they said? What is Camp Half-blood? Why is it one of the safest place for us?

"We're here!" Grover suddenly said. "Leo, wake them up."

Leo moved my shoulders, and I immediately opened my eyes.

"Frances, we're here," said Leo.

"Yeah, I know!" I said with a smile.

I begin to move Dianne's shoulders to wake her up.

"Dianne, we're here," I said. "Wake up!"

"What?" she said with her other eye open and the other eye closed. She then sat up straight and stretched her arms and yawned.

"I'm tired," she said.

"I know, me too," I said honestly. "What time is it?" I asked Grover.

"Almost 8:00," he replied.  

"What? I thought we at least traveled for an hour but in reality we traveled for like 15-20 minutes? Is that really the correct time?" I ranted.

Grover and Leo looked at each other.

"We'll explain later," both of them said at the same time.

I was about to complain again but this time Dianne spoke.

"You always say that! We want to know your explanations now! Not later! Now's the time..." she said.

"Okay," began Grover. "We are not mortals."

I can't help but laugh.

"Haha! That's funny!" I said. "But this is serious Grover. Mom told us to trust you so please tell us the true explanations."

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