Chapter 9

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Dianne's POV

All of our heads turned to the raven black haired-boy, for him to introduce.

"Ugh, this is stupid!" he said in an Italian Accent "I don't even want to go on a quest!"

He then stormed off and was soon gone.

What was his problem?


"Ah, sorry about him," said Leo. "He's usually like that."

"Who is he anyway?" I asked.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," he replied.

"Hades, god of death," I said. "Is he friendly or dangerous?"

"Friendly. But when mad, dangerous," replied Leo with wide eyes, while nodding his head.

"Oh," I said. "Should I go talk to him?"

"NO!" replied Clarisse and Leo at the same time.

"Maybe," said Clarisse.

"Well, a certain someone here told me that rules are made to be broken," I said, looking directly at Frances as she smiled. "That's isn't technically a rule, but it is like one. So, I'm gonna go talk to him."

"I'll go with you," said Frances.

I nodded. "Okay." I stood up as the others did so.

"Well, Clarisse and I'll both go with you," said Leo.

Clarisse shook her head. "Uh - uh. I'm not going to comfort a son of Hades."

"Fine," said Frances. "I'll stay with Clarisse then, she'll need company. You and Leo will go to Nico?" She said "Nico" with a question mark. Probably she's not that sure of Nico's name, she's not good with names.

Leo and I nodded and headed off to the direction where Nico was headed.

It seems that he was headed towards his own cabin.

"So Leo," I said as we walked towards Nico's cabin. "Is Nico alone in his cabin? He's a son of the Big Three right? I just noticed that the cabins of the Big Three aren't that occupied."

"Well," said Leo. "You're very observant. Yes, he is alone. He USED to have a sister named Bianca, but..."

He trailed off.

"She died," I said.

"Yes," Leo replied. "He also has another sister, in Camp Jupiter. Hades is known as Pluto there. Her name is Hazel Levesque."

"Oh," I said.

We arrived at the door of Cabin 13: Hades' Cabin.

It is a windowless cabin made of solid obsidian, with heavy columns and torches that burn green-like Greek fire twenty-four hours a day and has a skull over the door.

I knocked on it.

"Leave me alone," said a voice, probably Nico.

"Er - you don't know me," I said awkwardly. "But I'm here to acquaint myself to you."

"Is this a new girl from the quest?" his Italian voice closer to the door.

"Yes," I replied. "May I come in?"

"No," he said.

"Come on please!" I said. "I'll just come in then."

"If you know better, you will not," said Nico.

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