29: Girlfriend

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Michael made a left onto Vanderbilt Avenue and then turned to make a right onto Crenshaw Boulevard. By the time he did this, Michael started driving at the normal speed limit.

"Was that a rush or what?" Michael smirks mischievously.

"Michael, what the hell is going on?" Alessandra asked with widened eyes at her boyfriend's peculiar behavior. She knew that Michael was a spontaneous one, but this time, he upped the ante.

"You didn't answer my question, baby," Michael asked, taking his right hand off the wheel and resting his left hand at the ten o'clock position. "Was that a rush...or not?" He chews his gum slowly, waiting for her to answer.

"Hell yeah! My heart almost ran out my chest you pullin' a stunt like that." Alessandra retorted. "You drivin' all crazy and shit. You lucky 5-0 ain't think you was no dealer or gangbanger." Catching her breath, Alessandra looked over at Michael, wondering what he was going to say or do next.

"Did that turn you on, baby? Me stealing you away like that?" Michael says smoothly, licking his lips as he caught a view of Alessandra's legs and thighs in her short, forest-green babydoll dress.

"What?" Alessandra was confused, wondering what he was getting at.

"Did it?" Michael persisted.

"Michael...okay, what the hell is going on?" Alessandra asked losing patience. "You're driving like a mad man—"

"I'm not now."

"You pull up in this brand new Jeep that I never knew you had—"

"Bought it yesterday, but okay."

"And what next, you livin' a double life as a daredevil or some shit? You sign up for NASCAR or somethin'?"

"I race go-karts every now and then...doesn't mean I'm no pro, but I do alright," Michael wittingly responds, flashing his million-dollar smile.

"Michael, okay, stop with the bullshit. Where the hell are you taking me?"

"You'll see."

"As always." Alessandra sighed.

"Damn...why you so cranky this afternoon? You sounded fine this morning," Michael looked over at her, not losing his cocky smirk.

"I'm fine...it's just that you made me nervous back there," Alessandra softened. "As I told you before, I don't really like surprises."

"I know baby, but I promise you, once we arrive," Michael locks his hand into hers and raises it up to kiss it, "You're gonna love it." He plants a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

"I know. I mean I always wind up liking what you have planned," Alessandra admitted. "In fact, it's one of the many things I love about you. You're so...spontaneous."

"Really? I'm spontaneous?" Michael gleamed.

"Really, spontaneous," Alessandra turns his hand over and kisses it. Michael smiles at her. "And might I add that you look nice, today; Even though you always look nice."

"Oh, it's just something I threw on," Michael gushed modestly. He had on a light blue denim shirt and pants set with Timberlands on. His gold chain accented his neck perfectly, and his wave nouveau hair was defined and messy, just the way Alessandra liked it.

"Shit, throw it on more often then," Alessandra said flirtatiously. "And maybe you can throw it off later on." Michael could feel his heart and his loins pulsating simultaneously.

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