26: Enjoy Yourself (Part 2)

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 Downstairs, Monette, Wayne and Anton heard the startling crash from up above. Monette cocks her head up, wondering what in the hell was that sound.

"Michael?" she loudly calls. "Ali? "She does not hear a response from either of them. "Y'all alright up there?"

Meanwhile, Michael and Alessandra are running around the room, scurrying to retrieve their clothes and put them back on.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Alessandra curses in a nervous whisper.

Michael almost falls trying to put his pants back on. "Damn!"

Momentarily, there is a knock on the door. "Just a minute!" Alessandra shouted as she pulled down her shirt. She fixes her hair after Michael pulls on his shirt. Alessandra opens the door to find Wayne and Monette standing there.

"What the hell was that sound?" Monette asked with concern. "Y'all sure y'all alright?"

Michael and Alessandra nervously stand together, shoulder-to-shoulder as if they were trying to conceal something. Michael nods with an uneasy grin, while Alessandra stutters, "Yeah—yeah, we just--um..."

Monette notices that something is amiss. Wayne is curious as well.

"What's going on wit' y'all?" Monette asked.

"What do you mean?" Alessandra tries to play dumb.

"Y'all actin' so jumpy like y'all are hiding something." Monette's suspicion arouses even more. She peers her head over them as they subtly try to block her view. "Uh-uh, wait. What the...Uhhh-uhhh!"

Monette manages to butt her way in and finds herself in disbelief and laughter at the sight before her. Michael and Alessandra's bed was sunken in and broken in half. Wayne's mouth goes agape, putting his fist to his mouth, biting at his knuckle. Alessandra and Michael look down at the ground, embarrassed like two high school kids found making out underneath the bleachers.


10 Minutes Later

John, Russell, and Brenda, a female staff member, came to assess the damage. They, including Michael, Alessandra, Monette, Wayne and Anton were downstairs in the living room. Michael was talking to John, with Alessandra standing right beside him with her arms folded.

"We apologize John, " Michael scratched the back of his head blushing, fighting the urge to giggle. "I know this is a total inconvenience at the very least."

"Oh Michael, it's quite alright," John replied pleasantly. Everyone was quite surprised that John took the incident so lightly. Two other crew members came in with a brand new mattress, while two others followed behind with the bed frame and headboard. Russell guided them all upstairs, while Brenda, a short and stocky brunette, followed behind them with her keyboard and pen, jotting down notes.

Michael quietly walks him over to a distant corner and asks him, "So how much will the damages cost?" John whispers in his ear, and Michael replied, "Fair enough. Once again, we are truly sorry and rest to sure that this will not happen again."

"Oh, Michael. I told you it's fine," John flicks his wrists. " Hey, it's not everyday that a mega superstar damages our furniture."

Michael chuckles at his lighthearted joke. Alessandra nervously looks on with a curious Wayne, Monette and Anton.

John leans into Michael, turning his back to everyone else and talking even quieter. "So let me guess, you and your lady friend over there got a little um...carried away?" John smirks at this question. Michael couldn't help but giggle. "A bit," Michael's cheeks turned beet red.

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