9: We Got a Good Thing Going

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Alessandra is dried off, with one towel wrapped around her body and the other having her hair wrapped turban-style. After she lotions up, she exits the bathroom and she finds the clothes that Michael had lent her. She smiles at them, and puts them on. Surprisingly, the t-shirt had fit her well, but the sweatpants hung on her a little bit, since Michael had long legs. She removes the towel from her hair and uses her very same hair tie to throw it in a messy high bun and puts on her hoops. She walks out of the master bedroom, wondering where Michael could be.

"Michael?" she calls down the hallway. Silence. "Michael?"

"In here!" His voice rang.

Alessandra picked up the sound from the leisure room and opened up one of the large doors. She comes inside, closing it behind her, to find Michael, fresh and clean as well. His hair, even curlier than before. In fact, she loved how Michael's hair curled so naturally when wet.He is on the couch, watching TV, flicking through channels with the remote. "'Sup, trouble?" he asks looking up briefly then back to the television. "Enjoyed your shower?"

"I did," Alessandra walks over from behind the couch, and joins him. She is sitting beside him, with her left arm rested along the top of the couch, her left leg folded, and the other dangling. Michael smirks at her remark, as he pictured her black, lacy panties he had found on his bathroom floor. Inside, she is still praying that Michael did not hear her freaky little fantasy five minutes ago. "Did the clothes fit you alright?"

"I'm not gon' lie, the pants are a little big, but surprisingly, the T-shirt fit just right." She looks over at the TV curiously. "What you watching?"

"Still tryna find something. You know on Sunday, ain't nothin' come on TV."

"I know."

Michael flicks ahead to another channel and responds with glee. "Yes! The SOOOOOOOOOUUUULLLLLL TRAIN!" The funky train is bopping along with the intro, and Michael is moving his shoulders to the beat.

"Oh my God, I love Soul Train!" Alessandra claps her hands and bobs up and down. "I wonder who they gon' have on today! Remember, we used to watch Soul Train when you used to come over on the weekends?"

"I know, and we always pretended that we were Soul Train Dancers. I was "Magic Mike" remember?"

"Yes," Alessandra laughed. "And remember we used to run to the kitchen and mess with the magnets like it was the Soul Train Scramble Board?!! Ha! Oh my god, we were so corny back then!"

"And we used to dance along with all the dancers! I swear Ali, they had nothing on us, though. We would even act like we were comin' down the Soul Train Line!"

The two of them continue watching. Michael added, "Now you see, you coulda been on there, Ali. You look, dance, and dress better than half of the girls on there."

"I mean I could have, but nah, I couldn't wear those skimpy outfits and shake my stuff all day."

"Well, Ali you know you were shakin' your stuff at the club last night, right?"

"And you actin' like you weren't grinding on me." Alessandra playfully challenges.

"Well, I have no complaints over here," Michael winked.

Alessandra playfully slaps him on the chest. Michael clutches his chest dramatically while laughing.

"Owwww...!You stay hittin' me," Michael whines.

"Love hurts," Alessandra purses her lips. "Now shut up and watch the show, Applehead."

"Whatever... Big Butt." Michael shot back.

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