16- Reminiscing Past

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"So how are we going to figure out the location of this letter again?" I asked Justin.

He sighed in annoyance of having to explain his conniving plan again.

"We can hire a hacker or someone good with computers to find the face of the women you saw on the video. We make them find her address and everything and then I'll take it from there," he said confidently brushing away fake dust off his shoulder.

"What the hell are you going to do?" Jessica asked sarcastically. I understood her curiosity, Justin didn't seem like the one to know a lot about these things.

"Are you guys forgetting that I'm in the criminal law program at our school?"

"Oh..." All three of us said at the same time.

"So do you know someone who can find the lady in the security camera?" Nate asked.

"My dad may have a connection. I have to go to my house and see who I can find."

Jessica stood up from her seat and stretched her limbs adding a yawn. "Great, I'll come with you."

"Whatever," Justin says rolling his eyes. "Nate you coming?"

Nate shook his head, "you guys can go I'll stay here until you find something."

Jessica kept her eyes on the both of us, which caused me to stare at the floor. I hated making people upset. I hope she wasn't still mad at me... for whatever I did wrong.

"Fine we'll be back soon."

The both of them walked out, leaving me and Nate all alone in the room. In the distant you could here the cartoon Henry was watching, but besides that the room was silent.

"I missed you," he says finally breaking the silence and tension of the room.

I quit looking at the floor and slowly meet his blue eyes. "Why would you miss me? I'm just Bea. You have Jessica and the whole cheerleading squad as friends. How could you possibly miss me?"

The room was once again quiet.

Nate seemed to be contemplating something until he moved from the chair he was sitting on and moved extremely close to me in the couch. I tried to move back to give both of us some space, but that idea quickly flew out the window when I realized I already was sitting on the edge.

"You're funny, but not Kevin Hart funny, more like Sheldon Cooper, because you don't even try. You're sweet, and the nicest person I know, because after everything I did to you. I pretended not to know who you are, I laughed when a jock made fun of the way your eyes grew when in shock, hell I even made some of my own jokes at you. I pretended that I had no clue who you were, when I was the one person who actually understood you. You still found it in your heart to forgive me, to let me be here. That's what I always liked about you Bea. You always gave someone a chance."

"I love the way your eyes are so big they look like they're staring into your soul, like what your unintentionally doing right now. I live for the way you smile from your eyes first. I love everything about you. I have for a very long time. Freshman year I was so angry at you for letting me leave, for not fighting for us to be friends that I forgot that that was just who you are. You always put people's happiness before your own I may not know if I made you happy, but I know we were fiends. That. That's why I missed you. So. Damn. Much."

Nate paused and looked at me waiting for a response.

"You hate strawberries."

Nate face quickly drifted from one of relief to one of disappointment.

"Yeah... So."

"I remember one time in freshman year this girl came to you with a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. I knew you wouldn't accept them, and I was proved right when the same girl was crying at her locker."

Nate looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"When that happened I realized I wasnt so different from her. We were both rejected from you. But I knew you hated strawberries. I would've known that you would prefer to just watch reruns of How I Met Your Mother and eat candy all day long. And then that's when I realized I was different from the girl after all. No girl knows your secret love for shows like that. No one knows that you hate strawberries-I'm not too sure about Justin and Jessica though."

"But every Valentine's Day I see a girl try to impress you, none of them knowing that all it takes is a HIMYM marathon to win you over. And every Valentine's Day I laugh as I remember the girl who brought you strawberries. But I had no right to judge her, at least she got one thing that I didn't have from you in that one minute of rejection: your attention. With all that's happened noow though, I forgive you for all the things you said to me, I'll always forgive you Nate. Even if didn't want to, I'm sure I still would have."

Once again the room remained silent. Both me and Nate looking anywhere but each other.

"Remember that one time you dropped your ice cream..."

* * *

I held my stomach in pain from laughing. I was actually laughing, it had been so long since I had been able to, wholly and freely.

"I got in so much trouble!"

And it was all because of him. The boy I was best friends years ago. Reunited with me after three years.

We both sigh with content as we here the door open and close. "We're back!" Justin runs inside the room loosing his breath quickly.

"We found the mystery woman. Her name is Elizabeth Weiss and she from the same area as your dad."

"Great what else did you find on her?" Justin looked away awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay quick bad news, there's nothing on this lady. Her records are like a clean sweep, but that's more reason for her to be involved with your dad." He said quickly trying to bring up the good news. Well bad news in a sense too.

Nate got up from the couch. "So you didn't find any address on her or anyone?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Hey where's Jessica?" I asked curiously. She left with Justin he is now nowhere to be seen.

"Oh she'll be back, she had to stay home. Her mom said something about her medication, and Jessica being Jessica, she flipped on her ass."

Nate laughed then quickly looked my way when he saw I didn't understand what was so funny. "Inside joke."

"So that plan isn't going to workout, now what?" Nate said shrugging his shoulders in defeat.

The room, for the millionth time fell silent as we all wandered what we should do next. The movies always made the lead character smart, and resourceful. They always seemed to know what to do. Looks like none of us are lead characters in any book or movie.

A few more minutes went by and every idea that came to our mind presneted a minor flaw, I sighed, tired of being trapped in a corner. I have to find what the people who I thought were my presents are hiding. "Come on, look at how big this house is. There has got to be something that will give us clues."

Both Justin and Nate looked at each other. "You're a genius Bea. To the attic we go!" Justin said running to the stairs.

Well look at that. Maybe I'm the lead character after all.


Sorry for the long wait ladies and gents. I had a switch of the phone and my house hasn't had wifi for more than two months, so I could transsision what I had on my old phone to my new phone. I think the next chapter will be the last of part two, and it going to be a good one.

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