15- Am I Okay?

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"I'm back bitc-" Jessica abruptly stopped what she was about to say when she saw Henry in the room with the boys and I.

  He had begun to get curious where 'our' parents were so I simply told him that they had to go to an emergency meeting.

  "Did you find anything?" Justin asked, he got up from his chair excitedly pacing back and forth like he had been doing ever since him and Nate came back.

  "I found...something, but he's going to have to go," she said pointing to Henry.


  He waved his tiny hands back and forth stopping, what I was about say. "I know, I know. Go to my room."

  I smiled at him as he made his way to his room for the second time today, without asking any questions as to why. No wonder he never got in trouble, he was perfect.

  "What'd you find?" Nate asked sitting next to me.

  "Okay well it's official, your parents lied about everything they ever told you. The both of them don't have a job that is on record, supporting the guess that they are working an illegal job. Your moms real name is Patricia Scolvitozis she's from Russia born and raised there for most of her life."

  "Your dad on the other hand was a bit more difficult to comprehend. He was born and raised in Britain. His real name is Jeremiah Elliot Williamson, relayed to Britain's 'it' family the Williamsons, basically the dudes rich. He has two sisters and one older brother. He seemed to have had a very wonderful life, he won second place in his schools spelling bee, so he was a bit of a nerd, but nothing bad about him," she sat down on one of the couches laying out the papers with all of the information.

"Where the hell do you even find these people?" Justin asked in disbelief, he looked at Jessica in shock.

"Well I was very dedicated the first time around to figure what the hell was going in behind my back so..."

"It's doesn't matter. The next step I think–"

"Dude!" Nate interrupted him. He looked me in the eye as I stared into nothing in particular. "Can't you even give her a moment to take all this in. The people who raised her, aren't her real parents."

Justin stopped walking and sat in the seat in front of me. "I'm sorry Bea. Are you okay?"

All my life I've thought that there was something wrong with me. I thought that their had to be a reason why they treated me so harshly, and they didn't dirge same for Henry. All along it was because... I wasn't there actual kid.

Who were my actual parents? Did they miss me? Did they even care that I was gone? Why did they let this happen to me?

The sun always seemed to shine so bright when I woke. Who would've thought that it was actually dull the entire time. It's like all of me was gone and in replace was a big sheet of paper written {blank space}.

Am I okay? Am I okay? Why was I here? Why did I live here? I could've ran so far and I wouldn't be leaving anything important behind. How was that fair? HOW WAS THAT FAIR!!?!??

I'd been abused! Physically and mentally, and the person who was supposed to make me safe had ran off, to have a better life without me. Leaving me with the ones who tore down the real happiness I had installed inside myself, waiting for the moment I truly got to be happy. All because he wanted to throw a ball around.

  I had finally, after years finally gotten him back, and then... I'm bullied even harsher by his crazy girlfriend because she thinks I'm trying to steal him away from her. Which is in no way what I was trying to do.

So no, I'm not okay. I'm done trying to control the robot they had raised me to be. I'm done trying to control my anger. I finally understand Hamlets stupid 'To be or Not to Be' bit.

No one deserves this. No one ever deserves to go through what I've had to go through for all my life, and I'm going to make sure it stays that way. I refuse for them to ruin more lives. Mine will have to suffice.

  I sighed one last time and wiped the tears that had begun at the sides of my eyes. I could feel their eyes on me, waiting for a response.

"So what exactly did you have in mind?"

Don't. Be. Mad.

  I've been busy, and I had a bit of authors block. I still kind of do. I'm sorry for this chapter being short. I liked the ending. Hopefully I update next week.

  Also want to develop the characters interest in each other. *insert dramatic wink here

  See Yah

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