You Can't Cry in the Rain

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(RIN IS CONFIRMED TO BE SANS! Megalo-trailblazer intensifies.)

~Your POV~
It's been about a week since I went out with Rin. I've been avoiding him since. I still can't get his words out of my head.
"You're an exorcist-in-training and you're half demon!"
Me? A demon? Sure, it'd explain the tail, but...dammit! Just the thought of it made me can I describe it? Insecure maybe? Whenever I see him now, all I can think about are those blue flames. Never in my life, have I been more terrified. Think. Someone you trust just burst into flames and becomes a monster. How do you think I felt? After I ran back to my dorm that night, Izumo said I looked traumitized and all I could see were those flames. Now here I am, wandering out of True Cross Academy trying to make sense of everything, when I heard a familiar voice.
I looked back and saw Rin running up to me. I turned back and ran as fast as I could! I could hear his footsteps get louder and faster behind me. I felt him grab my wrist and I was halted to a stop.
"Let go of me!!" I yelled at him, tears in my eyes. I was scared.
"I need to talk to you!" He said.
"I don't wanna talk! Let go of me, demon!"
At that moment, Rin let go of my hand. He had a pained expression on his face, like he just saw his cat get run over. (If you listen very carefully, you can hear a laughing TapTap)
I tugged my hand away, and he stayed perfectly still.
"I'm..sorry I hurt you. I really am....a demon." He said with his bangs covering his face. He turned and walked back, his tail dragging behind him. I don't know why, but that face of sadness almost broke my heart. I wanted to run back to him and hug him tightly and tell him I was sorry. I wanted to, but I didn't. I just silently walked back to my dorm.

Once I got home, I layed on my bed, thinking about his words.
Suddenly, I blacked out. When I woke up, I was still in the inky blackness.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out. I began walking around. I slammed against a wall and fell. Holding my now bleeding nose, I got up. I heard the clacking of high heels against the hard, dark floor. I turned my head and squinted. A small, blurry figure was growing bigger and more visible. A pale girl with white and red hair and black and red wings wearing a medical eye patch and a white dress appeared in front of my eyes.
"Hello (Y/N)."
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" I asked her.
"That isn't important. You can call me Mayu." She said.
Mayu. That name was so familiar. Where have I heard it?
"You've forgotten, haven't you?" She asked.
"Forgotten what?!" I half yelled at her. A second figure appeared next to her. He had deep blue hair and light blue eyes.
"Here. Let me help you remember." Mayu said as she took my hand and gave it to Rin.
(Yup. She chopped that shit off, threw it at Rins face and they both ran off. The End! You can go home now!)
His hand was warm. So we're his flames. Wait. Rins flames are blue. I smelled smoke and the flames went from lukewarm to burning hot. And I realized I wasn't holding Rins hand. My hand was just hovering over the fire. It was an illusion! Mayu was laughing like a maniac.
"Finally! I can claim our body as my own forevermore!" She yelled as the fire grew thicker.
"WAIT!!" I called out as I suffocated in the flames.


Not today!

The flames turned blue and my burns healed. The smoke faded and I could breathe again! My memories came flooding in. My head felt like a grenade just went off inside it. Mayu stopped laughing.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! DIE ALREADY!!" She shot an orb of dark energy at me but before it could touch me, it became one with the blue flames. My blue flames. Pink and blue colors flowed down the veins in my arm and a sword of the same colors formed in my hand. The handle had my gem on it. I darted forward and stabbed Mayu in the stomach. As she coughed up blood, she whispered something in my ear.
"You cannot kill me... I am a piece of you. I will be back.." And with that, she disappeared into a black fog. This isn't the last I'll see of her though. Not by a long shot.

When I woke up, I shot up out of my bed.
"Mayu!!" I cried. Izumo looked at me.
"You remember Mayu?!" She asked.
"Sorry polka brows, I have to go!" I said as I slipped on my rainboots and ran out the door. I heard her yell, "THATS NOT MY NAME!!"

"RIN!!" I called his name. I ran all over the school campus looking for Rin. The downpouring rain was making it hard for me to hear if he was walking around.
"RIN!!" I called out again.
I saw him with his head down over by his dorm building. I ran over to him as fast as I could. I hugged him as tightly as I could.
"(Y/N)?" He whispered my name under his breath.
"I'm so sorry I forgot about you! I'm sorry I bitch slapped you! I'm sorry I called you a demon! I'm sorry I-" I was stopped mid sentence by his lips pressed against my own. I felt warmer. This time, I flamed up. I kissed him back, tears flowing from my eyes. He pulled away and wiped my tears from my cheeks.
"Haven't you heard the saying 'you can't cry in the rain'?" He asked jokingly. I rested my head on his shoulder and he hugged me back. My life was finally going perfectly.

(ONLY ONE CHAPTER LEFT!! I'm so sad. ;-; Should I write a third book? I really want to, but I don't have a theme for it. And yes, this story will have an alternate ending. And a possible lemon. Comment down below if you want a lemon and your thoughts on a third book for this series! Seriously. I need votes.)

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