Happy Birthday?

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(Today is December 27th. Rin and Yukios' birthday! I literally made a cake.)

-Rins pov-
The winter snow fell softly. Frost lined the grass like icing on a birthday cake. Today is my birthday. My only wish is that she was here with me. I thought of what appeared on the gemstone. I shatter at the blade of the blue night. What does that mean?
"You need to relax, Rin!" Kuro nagged me. "Maybe we can get some sukiyaki for lunch!" The cat sidhe suggested. I couldn't help it though. Yesterday, the mysterious message appeared on (Y/N)'s crystallized prison. Yukio and I have still yet to figure it out. (Damn, Rin's monologging is good!) We noticed all our friends were missing. Bon, Shima, Konekomaru. They all just disappeared. Like Shiemi did. I told Yukio that Mayu killed them. (Rin knows Mayu's name now! Because fuck you and plot!) He still refuses to believe they're dead. I don't blame him. I don't want to believe it either. But unfortunately, I know it's true. As I walked down the crowded sidewalk into Academy Town, I saw something, or maybe someone, scamper across a dark alley way.

"What was that? Is it a monster?" Kuro asked worryingly. I could hear the slight fear in his voice. "I'll catch it for you, Rin! Watch me!" He exclaimed before dashing into the darkness. "Kuro, wait!" I called as I ran in after him. He darted after a long, slender figure. It looked a man. After he made a sharp turn, I heard him yowl in pain. I followed him to meet a boy with white hair and a lot of piercings. I knew this person.

"Okumura! Been a while hasn't it?" he asked. Shiratori. (Yeah, you didn't think you'd be seeing this fucker again, huh? And yes apparently I spelt it wrong in the last book) He was grasping Kuro by his tails. He looked like a helpless possum. "Let him go Shiratori." I said threateningly as I reached for the Koma sword. Hey, he already saw my flames twice before. What's one more?

Shiratori took a strong whiff of Kuro, as if he was going to eat him. "No, I haven't had anything in a while. I'm gonna savor him." he said, licking his lips. I realized he had fangs.

"Hang on. I thought you were baptized back when my old man was alive. How do you keep being possessed?" I asked him. He gave a wicked smile. "He was never finished being blessed," he shuddered at the word. "once our lord stole that old man's body, those stupid acquaintances of his stopped everything and rushed to his aid, leaving me to permanently snatch this form. When I was hitting on that sexy girl of yours, that wasn't even him." he continued. I snickered. (No tap tap. Not the candy) "Well if you really are Astaroth, I doubt you'll mind if I use this." I unsheathed the demon slaying blade. Blue flames blanketed my body. The warmth engulfed me like a sunny day. Astaroth giggled. (yes, like a school girl.) (Yandere Chan in da background. Me: AYANA! GO AWAY!) "Alright. If I win, you'll come back with me to Gehenna. If you beat me, I may just help you with that riddle." He bargained. If I accept and lose, not only will I lose Y/N but I'll also have to become a Prince of Gehenna. (ReaderChan: YOURE THE PRINCE OF MAI HEART! Me: BITCH! HES FUCKIN MINE!!!!) But, if I win, I could have a chance to help her. I pondered of the consequences for a second.

"Done." I said confidently. Astaroth smiled wickedly. He bared his fangs as if he was about to dine on a fat steak. (Or a chee-burg! Yes. I stole Eren's chee-burg and sold it to Kaneki at Big Girl's. Only AOT and Tokyo Ghoul fans will understand. *cough cough* Krystal-Chan!) "The deal is finalized." Astaroth announced before assuming his true form. Demons of all ranks began creeping out of the damp shadows. Coal tars, Niberi (Niberius), ghouls, (No. Not Tokyo Ghoul. Sorry.) And some of those weird fungus mushroom looking things. As he sent each of his pawns after me, I slashed through each of them as if they were nothing more than air. I jumped on the head of a niberius, knocking it's head off in the process, and stabbed the demon king in the shoulder. He winced in pain as a ghoul attacked me from the back. It bit me in the arm that wielded my blade. I fell back onto the side of a building as Astaroth regained his balance. He walked over to me laughing.

"You've failed. Come, my young Prince." He said. I had no choice. I made a promise. "F-fine." I agreed as I stumbled back on my feet. The king broke his wrist, just as Satan did when he possessed my dad. Once the gate formed, Astaroth turned to face me. "Now. Let us be off to Gehenna." He said. "Yeah. Just one problem." I said. Astaroth winced in pain as the tip of my sword pierced through his torso, popping out the other side.

"I ain't going anywhere with you, asshole." I declared as I kicked his body off the blade. I bent over and stood on his back. I yanked his head up by his hair. "Now. SPILL!" I hollered. He inhaled sharply. "The blade of the blue night..... is wielded by the blue exorcist....." he choked out. I thought about it for a second.

Flash baaaaaaack!

I remembered texting her one night.
You: Blue Exorcist?
Y/N: Yeah! Because your flames are blue and you want to be an exorcist! Get it?
You: lol. Yea. I like it!.
Y/N: :3

(End flash baaaaaack)
The riddle was clear. The blade being the Koma Sword. The blue night being, well, the blue night! "Thanks. That's all I need." I said, stepping off his chest. I turned around to get Kuro and go home. The cat sidhe was cowering in a corner. "C'mon Kuro." I held out my hand, beckoning for him to come out. He started to walk as his eyes widened. "Rin! Look out!" He warned me. I spun around and grabbed the King of Rots' arm and flipped him over. I stab his chest right on the spot. "I was going to spare you." I said angrily. I dragged his body to the Gehenna Gate and threw it in. "I WILL RETURN FOR YOU, YOUNG PRINCE!!!" He shouted. "Yeah, whatever." I said as I walked away with Kuro on my shoulder. I sheathed my blade, and headed home.

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