The Vatican Trial

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I received multiple DMs on both WattPad and IG saying to make the story in 1st person instead of 3rd. So here ya go!

~Your POV~

When I awoke, I was laying on a stone floor. I looked around and saw metal bars right in front of me. I quickly realised I was in a jail cell. Noticing this, my eyes flew open. I tried to run towards the bars, but I fell back seeing that I was chained to the sewer grate. I struggled to free myself, but to no avail. Then, the door slowly creaked open to reveal Author A. Angel.
"Ready for your trial, miss (L/N)?" He asked as he unlocked me.
"Trial?" I asked confused.
"You do not remember? Won't be the last time." He sighed. What did he mean by that? Thinking it over again in my head made a shiver crawl down my back. (Like your sins maybe?)

I was led to a stand in the center of the Vatican's court room. I looked around and saw Rin and my friends in the crowd. I also noticed a random girl with silver hair and a wolf's tail and ears jump up at least three feet and wave ecstaticly.

"(Y/N) (L/N). You have been charged with the crime of accepting a demon into your soul. Let alone letting the two souls fuse. Is this information correct?" One of the masked members of the Vatican asked. I hesitated.

"Y-yes. But Mayu and I were once whole." I rebutted.
"You were separated from your demonic powers for a reason. If you had stayed whole, Assiah would've surely been destroyed."
"It would've happened either way! Mayu was going on murderous rampages throughout True Cross Academy on her own!"
"But now that you are one again and she takes over, she has the chance to be stronger than even Satan himself!"

I had no comebacks.

"OBJECTION!" We heard from the crowd. Everyone turned to look at the wolf eared girl. "HOW THE FUCK DID I GET HERE?" She said smiling like a retard with her hand still in the air. A girl with baby pink hair and angel wings next to her did a face palm.

"Anyways;" The figure continued. "We have made the decision to exorcise her once more."
"But sir! We checked her stability levels while they were drugged. If Mayu is exorcised again, she has gained enough strength to create her own form!" Another member argued.
"What?! That can't be right. That only leaves.." the first member trailed off.
"Only leaves what?" I asked.
"We must wipe your memory again. Along with any affiliations with the son of Satan." The second member explained.

"WHAT?! No! Please don't do that! I'm begging you!" I began sobbing.
"I apologize, but it has been settled. In one day, your memories will be erased."
The second member declared.
"NO!! PLEASE!!!!" I screamed as tears rolled down my cheeks. Two guards from behind me grabbed me by my shoulders.
I was thrown back into my prison cell kicking and screaming. I was handcuffed this time instead of chained to the grate. As soon as the door closed, I began bawling like an infant. I was going to lose Rin again. Forever.

~Time skip brought to you by where the fuck have these been?~

I woke up the next morning by the sound of the cell door opening.
"Get up." A guard said, kicking my leg. I got up and followed him and one other guard to an empty room. Angel greeted me once again.
"Are you ready miss (L/N)?" He asked sternly. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Can....can I see Rin again? Just one more time?" I asked, trying to keep my lips from quivering. "Alright. If that is your request." Angel gave in. Rin came in about an hour later. As soon as I saw him, I ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug ever. "I'm....I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt...anyone!" I said sobbing into his arm.

" much!" I kept sobbing.
"I love you too."

He raised my head to give me a smile, but I could see the tears clogging his eyes. He pulled me closer and pressed his warm lips against mine. At that moment, I felt both of our flames igniting, resonating as one.

"Alright. You're done." One of the guards said before separating us.
"No! Wait! RIN!" I called out after him as two guards pushed him out the door and held me back.

"Wait-..." I softly whispered. My tears rolled off my face and turned into blue fire and went out before they could hit the floor.
"It's time." Angel said.
"...Oh. A-alright." I said with a heavy heart.
I was told to lie down on what was almost exactly like the surgery table in my nightmares.
"Alright. Close your eyes." Angel said. I did as I was told. Angel chanted something I couldn't quite make out and I felt my consciousness slip away.

I found myself in a foggy field, where fog was all the eye could see.
"H-hello? Is anyone there?" I asked as I walked forwards. I saw a masculine figure in the distance, and I ran towards it.
"Rin?" I gasped as I saw who it was. Then before anything else could happen, his body faded away as he let out a single tear. "No, don't leave me again!" I begged him to come back. Then, I saw multiple figures appear then disappear. My mother. My friends. (Tappy and Mystic) Yukio. My classmates. Everyone I knew that was important to me. Gone.

I woke up in a circular room surrounded by guards and a blonde haired man.
"(Y/N)? Do you remember anything?" The man asked. I looked around the room.


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