Do I Know You?

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(New theme!)

~Your POV~

I walked up the steps to my next class. It has been a week since I woke up in that weird room. Since then, I can't remember a thing about my past. I do have a weird tail though, so that's a thing. I do hide it when I leave my dorm. Maybe I'm a neko? I don't even know.

I was thinking about my past when a boy behind me jump-hugged me.
"(Y/N)!" The boy called my name.
He had navy blue hair and beautiful sea blue eyes to match. He also wore a red sword bag over his shoulder. I knew this boy! But...from where?

"Sorry, but do I know you?" I asked him. The boy looked heartbroken when I said that.
"What do you mean? It's me! Rin? Okumura?"
"I'm sorry, but we've never met before."
"Oh right. They wiped your memory." He mumbled with a sadder tone. It was kinda depressing. This boy just went from being super happy and bubbly to emo and sad in 3.5 seconds! (Cough Cough! Mystic! Cough!)
"You said your name was Rin Okumura? That's a nice name! It means 'fallen angel' in latin, right?" I asked as I extended my hand from him to shake.
"Wow, you're smart!" He said grasping my hand. I blushed the second our hands touched.
"Is something wrong?" He asked. What was wrong? I was blushing like a tsundere! "Oh, uh nothing! Hey. How did you know my name was (Y/N)?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Um, intuition?"
"That was a pretty big, and lucky guess if you ask me. I mean, we've never met and you get my name right before you even talk to me." I said suspiciously. He broke out in a cold sweat and pulled his hand away.
"I-I'm sorry! I have to go!" He said before darting off at an incredible speed.
"Wait!" I called after him as he turned the corner.

~Rins POV~

I felt tears prick at my eyes as I sped to my dorm. I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I stared at myself in the mirror. Her words replayed in my head. 'I'm sorry, but we've never met before.' The thought made me angry.
"DAMMIT!" I yelled as I smashed the mirror with my fist. Blood trickled down my hand like a red stream. I let my tears flow as I remembered everything we've been through together. Seeing her that first day in class. The siren mission. The party. Our "break up". And her possession. This was all because of Mayu. This was all her fault! Thanks to that bitch I lost (Y/N) forever! Now, we'll never be together again. I fell to my knees and weeped.
"Please. Remember."

~Your POV~

I arrived back at my dorm to see Izumo studying. Again. (Cough cough RIN cough)
"Hey. How was your first day back?" She asked.
"Okay. I guess. I ran into this really weird guy earlier, but he was also kinda cute."
"Really? What was his name?" She took a sip of her fruit milk.
"I don't know. I think it started with an R. Maybe Ryuk? (Applez) Ron? Oh, I've got it! It was Rin!" At that moment, the cup she was drinking out of shattered on the ground.

"Woah! Are you okay?!" I asked as I walked over to her.
"Oh, um. Yeah. I-I'm fine." She said, her voice shivering.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"N-nothing. M-my hand slipped, that's all." She assured me.
"Alright. If you say so. I'm going to the store. Need anything?" I asked
"N-no. I'm fine."
I shrugged and left the dorm.

~Demon Bit-er, Izumos POV~
(Holy shit)

The second she mentioned Rin's name, I freaked out. Yukio told us about her memory wipe and to keep her safe, she no longer attended the cram school. He made us swear that if any information were to slip out and she found out, we were to contact the others immediately and tell them. After (Y/N) left, I picked up my phone and put in a group text.

Kamiki,Izumo: (Y/N) just got home. First thing she mentioned was bumping into Okumura!

After a few seconds, replies swarmed me.

Suguro,Ryuji: What?! Okumura you bastard what did you do?!

Okumura,Rin: I....jump hugged her...

Okumura,Yukio: Rin, what were you thinking? You know she can't learn anything about her past!

Okumura,Rin: Sthu 4 eyes! I 4got ok?

Konekomaru,Miwa: Okumura do you even want to protect her!?

Okumura,Rin: Yeah but I still need her

(Me: OMFG Y U SO KUTE!?! X3)

Renzou,Shima: You'll have to learn to forget about her. So Kamiki, now that i have ur # <3

Kamiki,Izumo: Not a chance

Okumura,Rin: ummm we have another issue....

Kamiki,Izumo: What?

Okumura,Yukio: What

Suguro,Ryuji: What

Renzou,Shima: what

Konekomaru,Miwa: what?

The next text put us all into shock.

Okumura,Rin: guess who im looking at right now...

~Rin's POV~

After weeping like a baby, I decided to clear my head by going to the super market
(a COMMONERS super market! Only OHSHC fans know) and pick up an ice pop and stuff for dinner. I got a group text from Izumo and was telling them everything when I saw her walk in.

Me: srry I gtg!

Polkabrows: WAIT!

I shut off my phone and hid behind an aisle. I quickly bought my things and headed out the door. Just in time too. As soon as I got my bags I heard (Y/N) call out: "Hey Rin!".

~Your POV~

"Hey, Rin!" I called out to the boy I had met earlier. He turned his head for a second, then headed out the door. I started to chase after him but then stopped after a few steps. He was in such a hurry to leave, I figured he had something important to do.
'Oh well.' I thought to myself.
I purchased my items and left. I was biking back to my dorm when I started thinking. Why did Rin look so familiar?

I arrived at my dorm (again) and handed a calling Izumo a bottled fruit milk. She put the call on speaker.
"So....did you see anyone at the market?" She asked somewhat cautiously as she took the bottle.
"Yeah, I saw Rin again. Why?" I asked her.
"No reason." She said turning back to her phone. I peered over her shoulder and saw who she was talking too.


"Do you like Rin?" I asked her. Her hand slammed on the table and the bottle nearly shattered on impact.
"WHAT!?!" They both exclaimed. Izumo had a giant blush across her face.
"You do! Don't you?!" I said with a laugh.
"I HATE OKUMURA'S GUTS!" She yelled back.
"HEY!" I heard Rin yell.
"Okay, damn. No need to get your panties in a wad." I joked, still laughing my ass off. My laughter soon faded into weeping. Then sobbing. Then flat out crying.
"Hey are you alright?" She asked.
"I..I'm f-fine. I-I just. I...don't know w-why I'm..c-crying." I said between my sobs. I heard Rin clearly on the other line.
"I'll be right over."

A Game of Shadows (Rin Okumura x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now