Kyoto Festival

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I had calmed down about fifteen minutes later. Rin had rushed over and Izumo looked at me concerned.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked.
"I'm fine. I just..don't know what came over me." I assured her. I looked at Okumura and suddenly, a huge wave of pressure washed over me. I grabbed my head in an attempt to stop the pounding.
"Woah, are you okay?!" Rin asked me.
"Ye-yeah. Just a headache."
"Are you sure? That's what happened when-" Rin was stopped by Izumo clearing her throat.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I gave him a smile. He smiled back.
Izumo looked at Rin.
"Give us a second." She said, walking out the door, grabbing Rin by his hair.

~Rin's P.O.V~

"Ow! What the hell?!"
"I really don't like people." Izumo complained.
"But I feel sorry for her. She's my friend and all her memories are gone. And she lost the one she cares about most." Izumo looked sad suddenly. I looked at her with concern.
" okay?" I asked her.
"God, I'm such an idiot for doing this." She slammed her head against the wall.
(Well, yeah, you've gotta be pretty stupid to slam your head into a wall.)
Izumo sighed.
"I want you to ask her out." .

"Shima asked me out to go to this festival in Kyoto tomorrow. I'll go if it means she can be happy again. I won't tell anyone if she remembers. This goes against my better judgement but.."

"Thank you." I said as I hugged her. I walked back inside.

(Y/N) was sitting on her bed when I opened the door.
"Hey. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah. Um..are you doing anything tomorrow?" I asked her. I could feel that I was blushing again.

"Nope! Why, what's up?"
"I was going to this festival in Kyoto and wanted to know if you could come." I felt my face and ears get hotter.
"Like a...a date?"
"I guess."
" serious?"
(Rejected! Rejected! Yeah, you just got rejected!)
"S-sorry. I get it if you're not interested. I'll get going." I felt embarrassed but sad at the same time. I turned around to open to open the door when (Y/N) shouted something.

I looked back at her to see that she had sprung off the bed.
"Yeah! A festival sounds awesome!"
"Great! And I promise you won't be hospitalized this time!"
"Nothing! Be ready by 5, okay?"
And with that, I was out the door.

~Time Skip brought to you by.....shit, there's the ambulance now.~

~Y/N pov~

I put on my favorite (F/C) dress and (F/C) flats. My heart was pounding from excitement as I slipped the spaghetti strap over my shoulder. Izumo said she was canceling her plans to go. When I asked her why, she said she didn't like her date. There was a knock at the door. When I opened it, I noticed that Rin was still in his uniform.
"Not gonna dress up?"
"Hell, I feel like I'm going to some fancy restaurant just dressed like this."
I giggled. When we arrived at Kyoto, all I could see were food booths and fireworks. The flames spat sparkling colors into the sky like magic. My mind was lost as I stared at the vibrantly colored sky.
"Your eyes."
"Huh?" I snapped back into consciousness.
"The colors. They're reflected in your eyes." Rin smiled. I blushed and grinned. Rin smiled too, but it was wiped away and replaced with a look of depression as fast as it appeared.

~Time skip one hour brought to you by Death The Kid. Because reasons. Shut up, I know that's a different anime.~

We had been walking for a bit and since the festival was near a lake, we decided to stop and sit for a while. The almost blinding moonlight reflected gracefully in the inky black waters.
"I'm glad I could spend time with you tonight, Rin." I looked into his bright, blue eyes.
"Oh. Yeah, so am I." He said before looking down at the grass below us.
"Is...something wrong?" I asked with concern in my voice. Rin sighed.
"You really don't remember, do you?" He had sadness in his voice.
"Okay, what is it with me remembering something? What do I need to remember?" I asked him, slightly losing my temper.
"Us! I know they wiped your mind, but please! You have to remember everything we did!" He pleaded.
"Rin, this is the first time I've done anything with you!"
"No, it isn't! And every time we go somewhere, you get attacked by a demon! Hell, just look at that scar on your leg!"
"Demons? I'm not a child, Rin! They don't exist!"
"Yes they do! You of all people should know! Your an exorcist-in-training and your half demon!"
"You're insane! I'm going home." I stated firmly. This argument wasn't going anywhere. What was I supposed to remember? And demons? Seriously? I felt Rin tightly grab my hand.
"(Y/N)! Don't walk away from me! Just hear me out!"
I whipped around and slapped him across the face. His face had a red mark of my hand on it.
"JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR FIVE GODDAMN MINUTES!" He demanded. Suddenly, blue flames surrounded Rin and he had revealed a tail like mine. I jumped back in shock. He saw my scared expression and the flames extinguished.
"(Y/N), I- I didn't mean to-"
"What the fuck are you?" I asked him with horror in my voice and face before turning and running back to my dorm.

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