Not what she seems

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~Your POV~

"You....heartless...." your voice was like dry, scratchy sandpaper. "Mmm, thank you, sweetie. Unfortunately, her soul won't be joining yours in this pathetic excuse for a magic gem." The demon said as she did hairflip. You noticed that the crimson blood that had stained her skin was fading. Who was she really? What was her true plan? What was she after? You knew that she wanted Rin to go with her to Gehenna, but why? What was her motive? Her reason? What did Rin have to do with it? All these questions all at once made your head spin. You began to get dizzy as all the questions swelled in your head, swimming around like a school of fish. It was enough to make someone sick. You took control of yourself before you had the chance to faint. "Wh-What about her corpse? Her mother will know something happened! And someone is bound to wag their finger at you!" You hissed at her. "Oh don't worry darling, I can see through to my sisters and see if she fits one of them." She explained with a bounce. She pulled off the act flawlessly. It was like she had your personality copied-and-pasted. Maybe all really was lost. What if Rin was already fooled?

~Time skip two days brought to you by Shiemi's corpse! Wtf is wrong with me? :D~

~Rins pov~

"Hey, Okumura!" Shima yelled out to me as I was walking out of my dorm. "Hey, Shima." I greeted him as he ran up to me. "Shima! Slow down!" Konekomaru chased after him, followed by Bon. "H-Hey, have you seen Moriyama anywhere?" Shima asked, trying to catch his breath. I looked at him in confusion. "N-no, I haven't. Why?" "Didn't you hear? She's gone missing!" Konekomaru exclaimed. I looked at him with wide eyes. "A-are you serious?" I asked with wide eyes. Shiemi? Missing? How could that happen? She had Nee!

"Hey guys! Watcha talkin' bout?" (Y/N) skipped up to us in her usual bubbly attitude, red lipstick and all. Wait, what? She never wears makeup unless she has something important to do! Then it hit me. (Y/N) appears out of the blue one day, and right after she arrives, Shiemi goes missing? What if she had something to do with it? No. She wouldn't do something like that. She'd never! Would she? Only one way to find out.

"Hey, (Y/N). If you're not doing anything after cram school, do you want to come over? It's been a while since we talked." Although it had been a while since I've seen her, I had to get answers. "Sure! I would love to catch up, sweetie!"

~your pov~ "What the fuck? When do I call him 'sweetie'?!?"

~Rins pov~ That was another thing. She kept calling me lovey-dovey baby names! She never did that! Coming out of the ordinary, Shiemi disappearing, changed personality. It all seemed kinda odd. (Well if Rin could figure it out, the demon must be bad at impressions!) Well, couldn't theorize right now. I had a guest later. Had to be ready.

~Time skip brought to you by suspicious Rin. He may be stupid a little, okay a lot, but hey, he's sexy!~

It was approaching four-o-clock. (Y/N) had just texted that she was on her way. I was going to find out. Why was she acting so weird? Was something bugging her? I heard a knock on the door. 'She's here' I thought to myself as I reached for the handle. The door burst open as soon as I turned the handle. "Baby!" She cried as she jump-hugged me. "H-Hey." "Oh I missed you so much!" "Its only been about seven hours!" "I meant since I actually came to visit! It's been what? Two maybe three months?" She cooed sweetly. "But we've been texting each other everyday!" I pointed out to her. "But still!" She cuddled me like a long lost puppy, burying her head into my shoulder. I was kinda getting weirded out. She never acted like this. I thought I heard a small voice. "Help me." It said. I saw a faint glow come from (Y/N)'s necklace. Crystal's Cove. The dammed gem nearly cost her her life. It began rattling around her neck like a cell phone.

"Um. (Y/N)? Your necklace?" I stared at the thing like it had just pulled a knife on me. "Gah! Quit it, you little shit!" She exclaimed, shoving the vibrating crystal into her coat pocket. I was curious again. Why would she move so fast to pocket the thing? And why was it moving in the first place? Did it have something to do with the voice I heard, if I did hear a voice that is. "Is...something wrong, (Y/N)?" I asked cautiously. "Hmm? Oh, nothing! I'm fine!" She reassured me. "Ok then, wrong question. What are you hiding from me?" I watched as the color drained from her blush covered face.

"I'm n-not hiding anything from you, baby!" She said after a pause. "You're lying. You hesitated." Got her. "I- I'm n-not hiding a-anything!" She stuttered. "Liar!!" Kuro jumped up on my from behind me. "Shut it, fur-ball!" She hollered at him. Kuro looked as stunned as I was. "Your not (Y/N). What did you do to her!?!" (Y/N) can't understand Kuro. She just sold herself out!

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I screamed. "Wh-why are you doing this? Am I not beautiful enough?" She tried playing innocent. Thankfully, it kept her occupied as Kuro stole a little something from her pocket. She ran out before she could notice. "Rin! I can sense a person in this!" Kuro said, the necklace in his mouth. Someone...inside?

AN: Reader Chan, go home. Your drunk!

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