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Ok so I'm just going to make this quick but I might change your point of view from 3rd person to 1st person. If you want this change please say so in the comments. I will do 1st person in this chapter and you guys can vote whether you want to keep this change. I am also still doing the fanart tags on my instagram. Tag me @Fnaffoxythekitten87 or #foxythekittenfanart. That's all. Enjoy the chapter!

~Your POV~

I used my new found abilities to give life back to the spirits of my friends. (Because plot. And yes, this was planned all along.) No one seemed to have any recollection of the incident, so Rin and I asked around. "So you really don't remember anything at all?" I asked Shiemi.
"No. I can't recall anything. I only remember you being at the shop and then...nothing." She tried to explain.
"Well, it's alright. Don't push yourself to remember." I advised. Suddenly, a pounding wave came across my head. I stumbled back and grasped the side of it. (your head.) I almost fell before Rin noticed me.

"(Y/N)!" He rushed to my side and steadied me before I could collapse. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked woriedly. "Y-yeah. I think so." I assured him. "So are you really a demon now,
(Y/N)?" Shiemi asked. I showed her my tail.
"I never knew it, but I always was. I just remembered when I came back together with Mayu." I answered with a smile.
"So, if you were exorcised as a kid and lost all of your memories, do you remember them now?" Bon asked. My headed pounded at his question.
"I do actually. I even remember meeting Rin as a child." Everyone stared at me like I was crazy.
"What do you mean!? I don't remember meeting anyone like you!" Rin exclaimed. I was flattered but at the same time confused. "So I'm the only one that remembers?" I asked.
"I guess." Rin shrugged. "Well, that's okay. It doesn't really matter!" I smiled. My pounding headache rushed over me again. My eyes widened as more memories came flooding into my head.

My mother was bringing me to my first day of kindergarten. It was the middle of the year so I thought people would stick with their friends instead of get to know me, so I brought my favorite cat doll for comfort. As my mother opened the door to classroom 7-B, I peered from behind her legs to see kids playing with toys and in sandboxes and pretend kitchens. The teacher stood at the entrance waiting for me to go with her. "Go on sweetie. You'll be fine." My mother was sweet back then. Its like after we left Assiah, she became the demon. I cautiously took a few steps forward and took the lady's hand. (Off.) The door closed and my mother was gone.

The teacher showed me where everything was and afterwards I sat down and read a story to my doll. I was in the middle of reading when a boy walked up to me. I thought he was going to introduce himself and want to be friends, but despite being shy as a stray cat, I said hello.
"H-hi. I'm-"
"I don't care who you are! Just know to stay away from me and my friends! We don't want your cooties!" (Yes, I'm seriously bringing THOSE in.)
"I-I don't have cooties.." I mumbled nervously behind my book.
"Actually, I might be able to let you slip by for a price." He offered.
"I-I don't h-have any money." I said, pulling my cat closer to me.
"That's fine! I'll just take your toy and I won't tell anyone about your cooties!" He said, snatching my doll away from me.
"H-hey! That's Penelope! Give her back! Please!" I started welling up before someone called the boy out.

"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" I turned around to see a boy with navy blue hair, a band-aid on his cheek and a chipped tooth. "Rin, no. You'll get into a fight again." A boy in glasses from the sand box said.
"I don't care! He's being mean!" The boy exclaimed back. (Omfg he's so kute! X3) The boy that took Penelope looked scared. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Here, take it!" He said throwing my doll to the other boy then running away in a panic. The blue haired boy looked at me and held his hand out. "Here you go!" He said with a smile. I took the cat.
"Th-thank you." I said shyly.
"What's wrong? Are you shy?" He asked. I was in a deep blush as I nodded my head. "Well, don't be!" He said smiling. "I'm Rin! What's you're name?" (Omg I'm making him way too cute for someone who was about to Bitch slap someone!)
"I-I'm. (Y/N)." I said nervously. "(Y/N)? That's a nice name!" (Ok now I'm just going overboard on the cuteness.)

After that, we were best friends for two years. After a fight, I was the one to calm him down because I knew he'd never hurt me. But in second grade, something inside me snapped.

It was November 8th. My real birthday. I was talking with Rin when another boy picked a fight with him.
"Stop it! I'm sure he didn't mean it Rin!" I begged for them to stop but I was stopped by my teacher. Besides, I only got in the way. Rin looked over at me and was knocked out. Seeing his body hit the concrete,

I. Was. Pissed.

"You. Big. BULLY!" I screamed at him. I dashed past the crowd and began pounding him into the ground. "YOU BULLY PEOPLE FOR THE FEELING OF BEING BETTER THAN THEM! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!" At this point, my hair was growing shorter and turning white with red sploches at the bottom. I felt my tail bone and ears extend. I also felt a bit warmer than normal. I was creating dents in the concrete from punching him. I heard my teacher scream from behind me. "Father Fujimoto! Thank God!!" I turned around to see Rin's guardian telling my teacher to get everyone inside. I also saw Rin waking up.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" He asked, rubbing his head. I had completely lost. My. Sanity. In my head, I was screaming at him to run. But on the outside, I was laughing like a maniac. I jumped from the boy to Rin, pinning him to the ground. (NOT THAT WAY. Krystal I'm looking at you.) Rin was struggling to escape from my grasp. "What's wrong, Rin? I thought you liked fights!" My voice was distorted like an echo in reverse. My sharpened nails, more like claws, dug into Rin's arms. He let out a scream of pain. I felt something wet hit me. Then a burning sensation. Holy water. I turned around to see Father Fujimoto with holy water grenades.
"Stop this, (Y/N). Rin is your friend, remember?" Fujimoto asked me. I snarled at him and leapt off of Rin. I dashed towards him at full force. He grabbed my arm and slammed me onto the ground. He said something that I didn't understand. But what I did understand was "Thou shoult perish!"
I saw a black gust of wind escape from my mouth. Before I lost consciousness, I saw a gem rise out from my chest and the wind flew into it.

When I woke up, I was lying on a bed in a white room. I stepped out and saw that I was in a mansion. I walked down a staircase and found my mother making breakfast in the kitchen.
"Mama, where are we?" I asked her.
"We're home dear." She said sternly.
"We are?" I asked confused.
"We have always lived here."
"...oh yeah. Okay." I guess I was brainwashed to believe her. I suppose that's why she never wanted me to have anything Blue Exorcist related. My memories.

~End of Flashback~

"Hey, are you okay (Y/N)? You're crying." I looked over to see Rin.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I said, wiping away my tears. I hugged him tightly.
"I'm sorry." I apologized, another tear escaping my eye.
"For what?" He asked. I smiled.
"Never mind. It's nothing."

About an hour later, Arther A. Angel arrived along with members of the Vatican.
"(Y/N) (L/N)?" I heard my name called. My heart racing, I walked up to him.
"That would be me." I said sternly. He made a hand signal towards the armed men behind him. Before I knew what was happening, I was pinned to the ground. "What's going on?!" I asked him in a panic. Rin looked over at what was happening. "Woah, what the hell are you doing!?"
"The son of Satan. We meet again. We have received word that a strong force of demonic energy has been reported. Come to see it's her highness, Mayu."
"I am not Mayu!!" I yelled.
"It is well known by the Vatican that Mayu is the demonic other half of (Y/N) (L/N). Seeing this outburst of energy means Mayu and her other half are once again whole!" Angel shouted. "You are being put on trial by the Vatican to discuss your fate." His words made my eyes widen. He made another hand gesture and I was out like a candle.

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