An update

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Hey guys! Sorry the next chapter isn't out yet. I've got 1/3 of it complete, but this is the chapter with another conflict. I've got three in mind but they all have flaws I don't like. They are:

Mayu returns and there is a fight between her and Rin but that is basically re-doing the end to Demons Wish.

Rin flames up and reader Chan starts to remember, she is taken back to the cram school and gains her memory again. But it isn't much of a conflict which is why I don't like it.


Reader Chan is seduced by someone else and leaves Rin. She later finds out he is a demon and Rin has to save her. I don't like this because it seems too complicated.

So I thought, "Hey! Why not let you guys decide?" So leave a vote in the comments and the most voted will be chosen. If there aren't any votes in one week, I'll have to choose myself, which will be difficult. So please VOTE!!!!

~Java Chan

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