"Y-I can see an emotion. I haven't seen that for like what 4 weeks? Yeah," he sighed.

I was still confused as to why he was here he had better stuff to do than be around me.

"Cole said that they you were leaving to day instead of tomorrow. And that this morning they got the rest of your boxes into the moving van. Also, that you needed to catch a bus or a flight or something to Michigan since they left this Morning. And I have a question,"

I nodded. "I was wondering if you were going to the senior assembly today."

I slowly nodded even though I wasn't going to. "Ok good I'll see you there then?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes. I only slowly nodded again.

"I was hoping to hear you talk before you left," he looked away and down towards the water. I silently sighed. Then whispered,

"Ezra, I love you," and with that I got up and ran home. If they were gone I could finally carry out my plan.

Tammy's P.O.V

I was going to go over to Elizah's house and apologize for everything I've done to her. I know we'll never be friends again but I wanted her to leave and have us be on good terms.

I saw her house from a distance and saw her doing something, she was pouring some kind of liquid on the porch. She then ran in to the house. I sped up, I was walking her house wasn't that far from the school. It took me only about two more minutes before I reached her from lawn. Then on a matter of like 5 seconds there was a loud crash and then the whole house flew into huge flames licking away at he wood. Wait I didn't see Elizah leave the house. I ran around to the back and loked in the basement Windows and I saw gasoline tanks everywhere. She was going to blow the house to splinters. I sprinted to the glad sliding doors and saw her lying on the floor unconscious.

"ELIZAH!!" Then I saw it. The pills they were spilled everywhere. Some where still in her mouth. I covered my mouth and held back sobs she's trying to kill her self. I screamed and instantly knew I couldn't get this door open. So I sprinted all the way back to the school. The senior assembly was going on in the gym so I knew that Jay and crew would be there so I ran to the gym and screamed at the top of my lungs. Which got everyone's attention.

"ELIZAH MASON'S HOUSE IS ON FIRE!! AND SHE IS LAYING ON THE FLOOR NOT MOVING!!" In that instant I see Jay, Jack, Allison, and Ezra all stand up and run towards me.

"Let's go we don't have time she is trying to make it we won't be able to save her!" I yell as we are running down the hallways.

We get into Jays car and he speeds out of the school parking lot. Allison is crying and everyone else looked shocked. As the house came into view it was even more on fire now. I face palmed myself and grabbed my phone and quickly dialed 911. I told the lady our location and the emergency.

We all got out of the car in one rush and all the boys rushed to the back of the house. I pointed her out and their eyes widened. I'm guessing because they realized this was her suicide. She is wanting to die the exact opposite way, that Jessica did. Jay broke the glad along with Ezra as Allison seeks comfort in Jack. They manage to pull Elizah out of the fire and we hear the sirens. Then I hear a whistling sound. The gas! Move move move! "The house is going to explode everyone one move!" I yelled and they all scrambled away, and just like I expected the house blew up. It was so hot, I felt like I was getting sunburned. Then I saw peri medics coming towards us with one of those emergency bed things.

They picked up Elizah with gentle hands and whisked her away. The fire was put out. And now we all just stood there in complete shock over what just happened. Then I was engulfed into Jay's big arms.

"Tammy if you hadn't come to us or seen this happen then sh-she w-would be d-dead." He was sobbing now. I felt really bad for him. He fucked up and he almost lost his twin sister because of it.

I looked over at Ezra and he was super pale.

"Ezra you okay?"

"The last thing she told me was that she l-loved me. I've only ever told her once, she's said three times."

"Have you thought it?"

He nodded. And tears began flowing down his face. "I'm such an idiot." He cried I just hugged him.

"We should go to the hospital, and be there when she wakes up, yeah?" They all just nodded and we walked back to Jay's car.


Two updates in one day. Thanks!

Not edited


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