That would've been bad.

I quickly blinked, and before I knew it, I was Tim.
" Thanks Lou! You're the best!"
I called out before running out the door. "See ya Marshmallow!"


[Marco's POV]




"Marco. What are you looking at? You're freaking me out." Star asked as she waved her hand in front of my face.

"Hm? Oh.. I was just thinking about yesterday.." I mumbled, leaning against the wall of the campus gates.

"Yesterday?" She raised an eyebrow. "When you snuck off with Tim and left us??" The blonde paused, before a grin appeared on her face.
"Ooooohhhhhh! I wonder what happened..." She smirked.

"W-what?" I felt my face heat up. "N-nothing happened! Geez, nothing like that at least!"

Such a perverted mind in such a... good girl(?)

"Surreeeee." Star smiled. "Anyway-"


A very loud yell of my name made us jump, and before I could turn around to see who it was, I was tackled to the ground.
But I was pretty sure who it was..

"Agh- Tim!" I laughed. "You're choking me,"

Tim sat up but kept an arm around me. "Oh, my bad!" He grinned.

"Ahem? And Star??"

"Ah, right!" He both looked up at her, and I did the same. "Hey Star, how's it going?"

"How's it going?? No. Tell me what happened yester-"

I quickly cut her off because the conversation would've got awkward. Maybe. "Haha! Starrrr! How about you tell us what happened with you and Janna and Jackie and Oskar?? Heheh.."

"Oh! Well," She laughed, "Funny story actually!"

As I blocked her voice out for a second, I let out a breath in relief.

And at that moment, I felt something warm on my cheek.

Hmmm..? Wait-

I turned my head the other way to see Tim's face, smirking at me.
That's when my face really heated up.

"D-did y-you j-just..?! K-kiss me.. on the c-cheek??!" I stuttered out.

"Whaaaat??" Tim tilted his head to the side with a sly smirk before licking his lips.
"What makes you think that??"


"Besides..." He added, "If I did kiss you just now, it wouldn't be like the first time," The brunette shrugged. ".. And it wouldn't be on the cheek."

I just couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief.

He's in a good mood.. I won't ruin it.

"T-that's not fair! Watch- I'll get you back y'know!" I crossed my arms. "Just you wait!"

"Ooh! Now I can't wait..!"

I was about to reply but I had forgotten Star was here, causing me to turn.
She was standing there with a red face of surprise.
"Y-you guys...! D-do you k-know what t-that sounds l-like-"

She cut herself off by turning around. "I need to get a napkin!"
The blonde ran off before we knew it, covering her nose in the process.

"Is it really that hot today?"

I turned to see Tim tilting his head once more as he watched Star run.

"I mean, the sky is gray, I thought it's cool out."

I shrugged. "I don't know.. Anyway, we should get off the ground.. My ass is starting to hurt.."

"Not what you said la-"

A shout cut him off.
"Tim!! Marco!!"

We both stood up and turned to the caller: Jackie and Janna.
But this time there was another girl with them..

She had golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes..
She was stunning. Beautiful.

She also looked a lot like another blonde I knew..

"Hey double-J." Tim smiled when they got to us. "And..?"

"Olette." She smiled kindly.

"Got it."

No way...

Janna smirked and crossed her arms. "Saw you two on the floor over there.. What were you guys doing?"

"Oh, just makin' ou-"

"No way!" I shouted, cutting Tim off and causing everyone to jump except for the golden blonde.

Olette smiled up at me.

"You're Oliver's twin sister, aren't you???!"


Just a smol chapt and sum tomarco makin a comeback ;'33 i just wanted to publish before i had go to school~

how's it going?
i'm in a good mood, therefore Tom's in a good mood~!

your welcome, i know. ;)

btw guys i love your comments a lot! xD they always make me laugh and make my day <3 so please don't stop!

anyways, damn! another chapter done~!

also with my cringy art >^<
[ give creds to repost and etc~ do not steal plez <3 ]

Anyways, hope you like this short, but satisfying chapter!
Just a chapt to show how they're all together again!

who tf is Olette???!!

great, another Netherworld in the college? what chaos will this one bring? and what is Mister Orlando waiting for since he himself hasnt made a move..?.

• also:
follow for updates!! and dont be afraid to comment~~!!

i dont bite too hard ;'))

- RIP Chu

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