Buildings are stoically burning and the city is deathly quiet. Cars are overturned and shops are glassless. The occasional siren wails somberly around the silent city but fades away.

I glance around suspiciously.

This town is much too quiet. Yeah it's practically all destroyed but it's too quiet.

"Smoak Technologies?" Ray comments looking up at a building, "Wait does that mean that this is-"

"Starling City," Sara interrupts slowly.

I give her a sideways glance and see horror painted across her face.

She whips around and pins Rip with a terrifying glare.

"You said we could SAVE the future! What happened? What's going on?" She roars poking him in the chest.

He steps back looking around warily.

"Sara listen to me. Time is always in flux nothing is cemented in time. This," he gestures around at the destroyed city, "is ONE possible outcome!"

She opens her mouth to argue when a thump distracts her.

We all turn and see a two people standing side by side on a car compound bows in hand.

"Oliver?" Sara asks questioningly.

The people don't answer and I can see the one peering out at us with distrustful eyes.

"Green Arrow?" Sara calls.

The pair stiffen and my eyes adjust enough to discern that one is a man and one is a female.

"No one's gone by that name is years," the man says in a heavily disguised voice.

Sara peers up at him walking closer.

"Sara," I say warningly reaching out a hand to stop her.

She shakes it off and cranes her neck to look at the mystery people.

The female stiffens and raises her bow as Sara looks at her.


"Veronica?" Ray gasps, "Wait, Ronnie?"

"Who's Ronnie?" I mutter to Rip.

"Veronica Palmer is Ray Palmer's younger sister. An integral part of Team Arrow before it was disbanded after they suffered difficult losses. She eventually becomes Mrs. Harper," he replies lightening fast.

"Roy, Roy Harper is that you?" Sara asks turning to the man.

"Who the heck are they?" The woman snarls letting her arrow fly.

"RONNIE NO!" Ray yells as I activate my powers and send the arrow off course.

It hits a nearby car and blows up sending Rip and Sara flying backwards.

I glare up at the girl and she tilts her head to look at me loading another arrow.

"OVER HERE KATNISS!" I yell at her as she lets off another arrow.

I force it away from the group as Snart and Mick begin firing at the man.

I glance back at the girl and cry out in shock as an arrow tears through the side of my jacket.

"YOU JERK! THIS IS MY FAVORITE JACKET!" I scream propelling a trashcan at her.

She lets out a muffled laugh as she dives off of the car and rolls to her feet shooting an arrow over my shoulder forcing Snart to duck.

"I'm so terribly sorry I didn't hit you!" She calls back at me.

Growling I use my powers to stop and arrow inches from my face. It turns in the air the point facing her.

I can see her pale slightly under her black mask.

The arrow soars towards her and she barely has time to bat it away with her bow before I send another trashcan at her.

With a cry she drops her bow and goes flying backwards into a brick wall.


My joy is cut short as another arrow flies over my head.

The man lets off another couple arrows at us but Rip screams for us to stay back.

The man grabs the woman and pulls her to her feet. She shakily stands and points at her bow.

I reach out to grab it but Snart pulls me back.


"Stay back," he mutters his eyes fastened distrustfully on the man in the hood.

The man grabs the bow and lets off another arrow at us. Snart pulls me behind a car against him. A thick grey mist spreads out blocking the pair from out view.

As soon as the mist is gone I whip around the car and see the man shooting a grappling hook off into city and carrying the woman with him.

Raymond races out of his hiding spot after them ignoring Rip's yells to stop. Sara joins him and they both bolt off into the darkness.

"GET BACK GO THE SHIP!" Rip roars at everyone over his shoulder as he runs in pursuit them.

Stein, Jax, and Kendra start walking back to the ship. Jax sees Mick, Snart and I crouching behind a car and silently pleads with me to go with him

But I shake my head.

His eyes fill with worry but he turns away following Stein.

As soon as they disappear I move to walk out again but Snart keeps a tight grip on my wrist.

"Wait," he says quietly.


Snart claps hand over my mouth and I almost bite it. Then I hear it. Footsteps.

Lots of them.

They rush past us yelling and screaming while shooting off their guns into the sky.

I wince at the sound and peer over the car at them.

People are galavanting around in these stupid masks on but none pay attention to us.

Thank goodness.

I peek again and see a man wearing the same helmet as the others but also wearing a matching outfit. He has a katana strapped to his back. His head turns and I quickly duck back down.

My breaths are heavy and I slap Snart's hand away from my mouth silently. He lets me go and we hide in terrified silence.

He could've missed me right? I mean how would he have noticed a blonde blur?

Just when I think everything is okay a voice cuts through the shouts and yells.


The footsteps cease apart from a few loud stumbles and muttered curses as people hit each other.

"Someone go check over by that car."

Well Helheim.

Legends In Love {Legends of Tomorrow}Where stories live. Discover now