~Part 14 - Fake Date And The Smell Of Ammortenia~

Start from the beginning

Many more people came into the hall for breakfast, one being Draco. He sat down on the Slytherin table next to Pansy Parkinson, she smiled at him and he then kissed her full on the lips, i felt anger and jealousy bubble up inside of me. How can he move on so quickly? I turned my head away and looked at my food, until Neville tapped my shoulder.

"Lauren, are you okay? I saw the same thing you did... Are you no longer with him?" Neville asked.

"I broke up with him because he kept many secrets from me, but i still love him Neville, i just never knew he could move on so quickly" I stuttered trying to keep myself calm.

"What are you gonna do?" Neville was unsure whether to ask or not.

"I dont know... I havent got many people i can talk to Neville, they all think im scary all because of who my Father is, they think i would just kill them if they get annoyed with me...You know Neville i think im gonna do something my Father would do, play the same game he is! Move on, make him jealous!" I smiled well smirked.

"Your crazy, but a great idea! I know the perfect person who would fake date you too, Seamus!" Neville laughed but he had a great idea!

"Ah Neville you little genius!" I hugged him and ran down Gryffindor table to find Seamus.

"Can i speak to you please? Outside?" I smiled as i reached him, he was sat with Dean, Lavender, Pavarti and some other Gryffindors.

He nodded and grinned as if i was gonna kiss him or something! No i dont even like him like that, hes a great friend and thats it. He followed me outside and i saw Draco staring at us wide eyed in shock at how ive 'moved on'. Me and Seamus sat on a bench in the corridor, he sat very close so i pushed him away a litle. I didn't want to date him for real just as a false thing to make Draco jealous!

"So Seamus here's the deal! Me and Draco kinda split up but I just saw him kissing Pansy Parkinson and I'm getting as some say jealous... I wanna play the same game, make him jealous so I want to ask you a favour, will you FAKE date me?? Pleaseeee??" I smiled at him giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Hmm Fake date? I like the sound of the game, yeah I will help you" he smiled as his thick Irish accent sounded my ears.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged him.

"When do we start??" He asked as I pulled away.

"Right now come on!" I grinned before grabbing his hand and running back into the hall.

As we entered the hall, Draco was leaving with Pansy on his arm. I didn't look at him but he deliberately bumped into Seamus and knocked him back Abit Seamus didn't seem bothered but I was.

"Excuse me Malfoy but you can't just bump into people, it's ignorant!! There is enough room for you to step around oh wait there isn't your fat head takes up all the room" I spat.

"Shut it Riddle! Why you with Finnegan?" He scowled.

"He's my boyfriend doofas! Yanno like Pansy's yours!" I replied locking my hand with Seamus'

Draco's scowl was wiped from his face and I could see hurt in his eyes, but he quickly put a scowl on his face and stormed out of the hall telling Pansy he wanted to be alone. I smiled slightly knowing my plan was working about making him jealous. Pansy ran after Draco even though he wanted to be alone, and I sat down with Seamus while we finished breakfast. Within 20 minutes we were both finished so we made our way to potions, I then remembered I sit next to Draco in this lesson because of the seating plan! And even with a new potions master, Snape still orders a seating plan in the room. I let go of Seamus' hand and walked into the room and took my seat next to Draco, he looked at me with hurt in his eyes but I tried to ignore it and listen to the teacher. Slughorn was talking about Ammortennia the Love Potion, because I sit at the front he asked me to explain it and describe what I smell.

"Well this love potion smells different to each person, like when I smell it I smell, my uncles cooking, my owl and something else" I stopped as I smelt Dracos scent, his strong cologne that makes him irresitable to me!

"What else do you smell dear?" Slughorn asked.

"I smell ermm, cologne, strong makes me go weak at it's smell! It's bloody irresistible!" I smiled.

"Ahh peculiar! What about you Mr Malfoy what do you smell?" Slughorn put the potion near Dracos nose.

"I smell My mothers perfume and strawberrys, strong strawberry smell" He stated to Slughorn.

I kept my smile hidden as I knew the strawberries meant me, I use strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner and Draco always used to smell my hair and compliment it. Slughorn then announced a little contest that whoever makes the best living death will win a small vile of felix felicis, liquid luck, Draco didn't really seem interested and neither did I really. We opened our books and collected the ingredients we needed, we never really spoke to each other unlike the other partners, but then Draco spoke up.

"So you and Finnegan?"

"Ermm yeah" I didn't really know what to say to him.

"when you smelt cologne in the love potion, was it Seamus'?" He asked keeping his concentration on the mixture in his cauldron.

"Erm no it wasn't" I stuttered regretting what i had said.

"oh whose was-" he was thankfully cut of by Slughorn who had announced time was up.

He examined all our potions but then announced Harry the winner as he had the perfect potion. I packed all my things away, before class was then dismissed. I rushed out of the room and headed for Transfiguration, I entered the classroom an took my seat. I knew I was sitting next to Draco in this lesson too so I kept silent as he sat next to me.


Eventually the class came to an end and Professor McGonagall dismissed us for lunch. I ran to the hall but was dragged into a different classroom. I looked up at the person for my eyes to meet those beautiful grey ones.

"why are you with Finnegan?" He asked staring right at me.

"Its none of your business to be honest! Your in a relationship now with Pansy i hear anyway! Shes told everyone how you asked her back out, she decided to rub it in my face saying you never loved me and i was just your toy, and i can tell you, i was not your toy!" My anger flared a little remembering what Pansy said in a note she gave me in Transfiguration.

"I never said you was my toy! Thats just the way Pansy is telling lies and spreading rumours! Look im not even with Pansy she-" He started talking but i cut him off.

"Save it Malfoy! We split because you kept some major secrets from me, yeah i know ive kept secrets from you but i got told i wasnt allowed to tell anyone! You couldve told me, and to be honest i was going to tell you when i had the courage, i thought their was trust in our relationship but their wasnt! So have fun with pug face! We are over" With that i went to walk out of the door but he grabbed my arm, spun me round and crashed his lips onto mine.

He pinned me up against the wall, he had my hands gripped so i couldnt push him away so i gave into his kiss. He then pulled away and started kissing down my jawline and my neck as he whispered.

"you love this, you clearly enjoy this! Come on you know you love it when i kiss your neck! Please princess you know we are meant to be together?"

I was nearly giving into him but he released my hands and put his arms around my waist so i pushed him right back before slapping him across the face and walking out of the classroom to the great hall for lunch. I sat next to Seamus at the Gryffindor table, he put his arm around me and at that moment Draco walked in with red eyes, hes been crying, he glanced over at our table but i lowered my head until i saw him sit down next to Pansy, he kissed her before eating some lunch. I felt like crying right now, i love him yet i cant bring myself to let him say sorry. I will get him back though, im determined too when im strong enough.

I will win you back Draco after the war, i will win you back.

Choosing Between What Is Right And What Is Easy - A Draco Malfoy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now