11. Lisa Montes

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William -
I never thought she would come back to LA . I mean she's a great girl , I mean she was before she left . Should I allow her or give her a chance to explain herself. If I do will Emma think I'm using her? I don't know how to handle this stuff , how to deal with so much drama . Before Emma came things used to be so much easier and less drama -ish . But believe me even with all the problems and drama going on. Emma has been the best thing that has happened to me after all these years , and I wouldn't change it for anything in this world , because I like her and I'm not afraid to admit it .
"Good morning ," I said giving my Kate a kiss on her cheek. "Good morning sweet heart , why are you up so early ?" She asked looking really confused. "Well I'm going to go see Emma ." I said smiling , "are you guys like -,"
'"Together?" She added , "yeah we are , but pleases don't over react." I said looking at my aunt with a very serious face . See my aunt liked to over react on a lot of things especially having girlfriends and stuff like first dates . "I'm so happy you and Elena are not together anymore , you know I never really liked her." She said laughing . "Yeah Kate I'm sure she couldn't tell ." I said laughing, "well Ima go but I'll be home early , maybe ." I said grabbing my keys . "Alright see you later ." She said opening the front door . "Bye" she said after she closed the door .
Knock * Knock *
"Hey you ready to go, wow you-" I couldn't keep talking cause she took the word out of my mouth . She looked amazing and I just I didn't know what to do or say . "What ? What's wrong your freaking me out ." Emma said laughing . "It's just you look great ." I said hugging her . "Thank you , are you ready to go ?" She asked . "Yeah , yeah are we going together or different cars ?" I asked not understanding how real relationships worked. "Well I thought you and I were taking a your car , but it's fine I guess if we go in different cars . I understand you don't want to be seen with me ." Emma said going outside. "Hey Emma what's wrong ?" I asked grabbing her by her hand . "I'm just really not in the mood today ? I just I thought about us last night before you left and what if no one thinks we're an actual couple or that we don't belong together ." Emma said pulling away . "Hey , it doesn't matter what they think , we'll figure this out . Even if they can't accept us , it's not their relationship it ours . Now we're going in my car , after school we can head to the hospital if you want ." I asked . "Yeah I really want that , thank you for being here for me . "Emma said closing the front door . "Anything for my girl right?" I said opening the car door for her . "Thank you ." She said . "So do you think she will be at school?" Emma asked , me being the dumbest person ever not knowing who I asked , "who? Elena I'm sure she'll be there , probably won't expect us being a thing . But we'll make it work ." I said grabbing her hand . "Not Elena . Lisa ." Emma asked . "Oh , I don't know , I don't even know if she's staying here for good You know after the -" I quit talking because what I was about to say would ruin this whole entire conversation. "Kiss? Look I get what happened I was there to see it , I know I over reacted and I'm sorry , but just don't ever kiss another girl ." Emma said . "The only girl I will be kissing is you ." I said leaning in for a kiss , funny thing she was already ready for it . "Alright let's go Nathan Scott ." Emma said laughing . "Hey , you don't get to call me that Hayley James ." I said laughing . "Scott ." She said smiling at me like she knew what she was talking about , even though I didn't .
"What ?" I asked not understanding what Scott had to do in this , who even is Scott ? "Hayley James , Scott. They get married. " She said giving me a kiss in the cheek smiling . "Yeah well maybe one day on Halloween we can be married like Hayley James Scott and Nathan Scott ?" She asked smiling . "Or maybe we can just be ourselves forever , married . " I asked . "Oh William , I'd Love that but right now I'm really focused on getting to school . " she said laughing at me . "Are you serious I just asked you to marry me and you care more about school , you broke my heart Emma Marie Davis , get out ." I said making a mad funny face I guess . "Get out , we haven't even left ." She said laughing . "That's not funny ,." I said trying so hard not to laugh . "Oh Will you know it , you want to laugh . But your just trying to be serious and I get that but , William come on . Don't ever try to roast me ." Emma said continuing to laugh . "If I were trying to roast you I would start by your shoes ." I said , "okay,  now I'm getting out the car ," Emma said opening the door sounding really mad or upset . "Emma I was just kidding I love your shoes ." I said . "Gotcha ." Emma said laughing . I just smiled back . "What, why are you looking at me like that ?" Emma asked turning around . "Looking at you like what ?" I said turning the car on . "It's weird , just stop looking at me like that ." Emma said . "Like what,  in love ?" I asked laughing . "It's not funny just drive . We have to get to school or we'll be late . "Emma said turning the window up . I just smiled back at her and she rolled her eyes , I laughed of course . "Alrighty this is it , high school , drama and relationships . " Emma said sounding terrified . "Hey I bet it's not going to be that bad ." I said trying to cheer her up. "Yeah your probably right , I'm just over reacting." Emma said opening her door . "Hey I was supposed to get that ." I said holding her hand . "I'm sorry, I'm used to opening my own door ." Emma said laughing . "I like this , and I like is ." Emma said going in for a kiss . "Hey guys ?" Hayley said popping out of now where , as usual. "Hayley what a surprise. " I said . Hayley ruined it , I was really looking forward for that kiss . "Where you guys about to kiss? " Hayley asked smiling really weird at me . "No , why would you ever think that . You know what I have to go . Oh , but look there's William for you , if you have any questions he will happily answer them . Bye ." Emma said running onto campus . "It was my awesome speech wasn't it ?" Hayley asked . "I'm sorry I don't recall ." I Said looking down at her . "Are you guys like together or something , cause I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't of came you guys were going to kiss ." Hayley said laughing . "Yeah so thanks for ruining my morning , I was really looking forward to the kiss ." I said laughing . "Oh my god , oh my god . You guys are together ." Hayley said jumping up and down . I really didn't see why she was so happy , it's like she was a 3 year old trapped in a 17 year old girls body . "We have something else to worry about though . " I said making a serious face . "What would  that be ?" Hayley said laughing and still twirling around . "Lisa ." Hayley said dropping her drink .

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