12. Mistakes

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William -
"Hey I know that I told you I'll tell you what happened between me and mason. " I said . "You did tell me ." Emma said looking clearly at me . "I told you part of it. " I said watching her let go of my hand . She looked worried . "Well say what you have to say I guess ." Emma said looking back down .
"Okay well , I told you that Lisa left me to be with mason . I hated them both until one night Mason sneaked into my room and told me he didn't want her anymore . He wanted to get rid of her and I wanted revenge-" Emma shouted , "did you guys try to kill her ?" Emma said freaking out . "What no , Emma just let me finish ." I said letting her sit down . "Okay so Mason dumped  her and I told everyone she was a homie hopper and nobody wanted her . Which was the truth at the moment. But anyways before she moved she left a letter on Mason's doorstep.  The letter said and belonged to me and mason . The letter just said things about how much she will never stop loving me and mason ." I said . "Wait why is this all bad again  ? " Emma asked . "Well let me finish ." I said laughing. "Okay okay ." Emma said smiling. "The letter said how much she loved me and how much she loved mason , as a brother . She never loved him and mason was mad because he thought they were meant for each other . Mason eventually stopped talking to me , and moved away . But I of course couldn't just let my Best friend leave just like that . So wrote him letters everyday for 2 years until I realized he would never come home . The worst part is I was so rebellious I wanted him to know everything that was going on . I wanted him to feel jealous of what he was missing . So I told him everything. Gossip , relationships, new people , girls , and fights . So when he came back he already knew everything he needed to know to get revenge on everything and everyone that gets in his way . A few years ago he tried to leave me stranded in the middle of no where . He will do anything to get his revenge against me . " I said taking her hand and holding it as hard as I could . "Just please stay away from him please . " I said . "Yeah okay ." Emma said hugging me . "I just want you to be safe and happy ." I said hugging her tighter . "Well I'm going to head  back to class ." Emma said letting go . "No , come back I don't want you to leave ." I said running after her . "Yeah but I have to get going or else I'm going to be late ." Emma said letting go . "So what ? Be a little late . Just stay a little longer please ." I said whinnying so she wouldn't go . I wanted to be with her all the time.. She is the only thing I think about . She's all I want to think about , how she is , if she's okay . I just needed her to be safe . "Fine but not too late ." Emma said laughing . "Okay come over here ." I said opening my arms so she could hug me . "Okay but I really have to go now ." She said letting go . "Alright I'll find you later ." I said kissing her lips . She had these rosy lips that I could just kiss all day and wouldn't be able to stop . I know it sounds weird but it's true . She's everything I've ever wanted .

"Hey Hayley , I was wondering if we could talk ." I asked her as we walked into a empty room . "Yeah what's up ?" She asked sitting down . "What happened between Will and Mason ? I mean if it's okay to ask ." I said looking down at her . "Lisa happened, they both loved her , and she broke both of their hearts . "Hayley said . "I know that but I feel like something is missing." I said . "I'm only telling you this because I trust you . Before Lisa left her and Mason were together and she dumbed him , she left a letter at Mason's Woodstep saying he was just a rebound. That she never loved him , but she loved William . Oh course Will and Mason were to young and selfish to understand. They had different feelings and explanations about who was right and who wasn't . William then tried to fix things with Liza , and when Mason found out he went out of his mind . He loved her and for William to love her to he just couldn't . So he stopped talking to William and Lisa . Mason became really violent and selfish . " Hayley said . "All this for one girl ." I asked . "Yeah and you know at the time I felt bad for Mason because with her he was different. He cared and loved and cherished life . And when she broke his heart it all just died along with him . He didn't have friends anymore , he hardly went to school and his mom , she didn't care . He just couldn't anymore so he moved away with his crazy dad and he started robbing and  threatening people at age 15,16 it went crazy. When people ask me what I see in Mason I say hope . Because he once was , I can't believe I'm saying this but , better than William . And I feel like maybe I can change who he is , I just have hope in him ." Hayley said walking out the classroom. "Hayley ." I asked . "Thank you ." She just nodded and walked away . I thought about everything that Hayley said and I feel like in this situation no one is happy or okay . I mean I don't know everyone and I don't know everything about them but I feel like they're all not even happy with / of who they turned out to be . Everything is just so unreal and everyone always complains about everything but can never forgive , and that's why I think everyone is always in pain . Because they think forgiving is like losing the game and you feel like your never going to win . I was thinking about everything so much I forgot that I was going to I be late for 6th period , and I ended up being late . Crap .
"Hey where were you this morning?" I asked . "Like you care ." Derek said putting his books in his locker . "What's that supposed to mean ?" I asked . "It means you never cared about me , never ." Derek said looking at me . "I do care Derek ." I said .
"No , no you don't , because if you did you would now , you led me to believe you liked me ." Derek said grabbing his bag . "What ? Why would you ever think that ?" I asked .
"Because I love you , thats why ." Derek said looking back up at me . "Derek I-"
"Forget it ." Derek said walking away .
"Derek i like you , i just don't love you ." I said grabbing his shoulder . "Why not huh ? You love William , but you can't love me ?"  Derek said . "Derek why can't you just let this go ? Okay are t you happy about me ? I'm happy ." I said . "Yeah okay . You're happy but I'm not , congratulations you're finally happy ." Derek said walking away again . " Derek please ." I said grabbing his shoulder again , but at that point his reflexes touched in and he ended up slapping me . "Omg , in sorry , Emma I'm so sorry ." Derek said . "You hit me ?" I said as I heard other people saying "did he hit her " , "is she okay " it was all too much to take in , especially the big bruise on my face . "Stay away from me !" I said running to the girls room . What was happening? I said , i promised my myself I wouldn't get into problems and worst of all , relationships . Everything I have done and started from the beginning is all a mistake , and I'm hurting everyone.

William -
"Hey have you heard ?" Hayley asked me . "Heard what ?" I asked . "About Emma ?" Hayley said pulling me inside an empty classroom . "What do you mean is she okay ?" I asked worrying more than ever . "She's fine now but she hasn't told you anything ?" Hayley asked . "No what happened?" I asked . "Your going to need to sit down , because I know when I tell you , you're going to run off and find him ." Hayley said pulling a chair out the stacks . "Look for who? Hayley just tell me what happened." I said sitting down . "I guess Emma and Derek got into and argument about you and her and him , and he accidentally, you hear me right ACCIDENTALLY, hit her ." Hayley said . The minute I saw Derek pass by my reflexes kicked in to , only it wasn't on accident. "Derek look I didn't mean it ." Derek said before I punched him in the face . "What the hell did you do to her , she's a girl for god sakes ! What the hell is wrong with you !" I said punching him in the face even more . "Will , William get off of him . " Hayley yelled as her and some teacher dragged me off of him , good thing they did other wise I would have broken his face. "How could you do that to her she's your friend , she WAS your friend !" I said walking to the principals office held by a security guard . I never thought Derek would do something like that , especially to the girl I love . I didn't understand why they were even talking about me and Emma and him ? I guess the only explanation for this was nothing other than the less , he has feeling for her to .

Authors Note :
Sorry I have posted in a month I've been really busy , i know this chapter isn't long enough or long like I promised they would be , but I will be working more on that . Thanks for everything , remember to vote and add my story to your library if you like .

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