2. Fresh Starts

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Finally senior year . The year I can be free . I probably won't know what I'll be doing with my life lacrosse or photography. Photography isn't something everyone knows about . No one knows really knows anything about me except the fact that I am dating the most popular girl in school and I'm the best lacrosse player that there is at Tuchman High. I just wish things were different, that people actually knew something that wasn't related to sports or my girlfriend.

Senior year at new school , new house and new city . I just wanted to finish school to start my own life . I don't want to sound selfish saying I want to be away from my aunt Kate . But I think it would be the best . After all the years of pain and misery I'll be set free from everyone and everything. All I have to do is stay out of drama and finish my senior year . I plan on doing that by not having any problems, bring good, and most importantly not to fall in love .

Exploring the city wasn't as hard I thought it would be . It was quite fun there was a lot of amazing things I have never seen or experienced before . There was a lot of cute guys considering, me not to be even paying attention to them. I did want to make friends , it is senior year so maybe I can make some friends . But I have to learn and remember that I can't get too attached to the people or this place . If you are wondering where I am now living in Los Angeles,California . It is very hot here considering I'm from Washington . I found this place that I don't know made me feel different . It is right beside the Santa Monica beach . I liked it , it made me feel free and I knew I could go there if I was ever feeling upset or if I needed inspiration of some sort . I think that driving to that place and getting to know it was a good thing. Letting myself go there . I guess I liked the place , I mean it never was going to be better than Washington but you know might as well try to fit in and make some friends. One thing that I was for sure not planning on was falling in love , maybe a little bit of having fun . Just kidding it's not really my thing to party or go to the mall and all that kind of stuff I guess normal teenagers do . I guess I was kind of different which I liked . Something was just different about me .


I was currently at Derek's house shooting hoops . Derek was my best friend I had know him since we where 3 we practically grew up together. After my dad passed away along with his our mothers became best friends. They were at each other's sides when they were needed and that's how I met Derek .  Derek is a big pain in my ass. He is like a brother to me . He is just always their . He is loyal , he says the truth when it isn't really needed , which kind of sucks sometimes . We were both on the lacrosse team since freshman year. We were the best of the best . I guess you could say no one could ever be better than us .
Emma ~

It is about 6:30 in the morning and I was straightening my hair. It was the first day of senior year at Tuchman High. I wanted to make a good impression of myself I didn't want to not make friends the whole entire year. Cause I sure wouldn't really like that , it would be really weird . But , I also had to remember to not get attached to anybody or especially fall in love . I could smell bacon burning from my room . Considering, my room is really far away from the kitchen .  I knew that Kate was making breakfast . Kate is my aunt , after my parents passed away she  has been their for me . She is actually the reason why we moved here to La . She is a writer and she just got called up to be a publisher. I was really excited for her and didn't want her to stay in Washington doing nothing . So I  guess I just decided to come . As i went to the kitchen to see what a mess Kate made this time , I was actually surprised. She had cleaned up pretty good for her first day as a publisher and as well for the food . It was a slice of eggs , bacon , sausage and some orange juice . " So , are you excited about your first day at Tuchman High ? " Kate asked trying to finish the food in her mouth . "Well , umm no not really . I mean I regularly am but I guess not this year . What about you big time publisher ." I said fooling around grabbing my bag and keys . " Haha , your so funny ." Kate said rolling her eyes . "Well i have to go don't want to be late on the first day of school , and you should probably get going as well Kate ." I said . " Alright I'll probably be home by the time you come , if I'm not then just make yourself something . But don't starve your self out waiting for me . Now you may go to school have a good day !" She said in some type of excitement.  As I closed the door from my car and started the engine I had realized that it was already 7:45 meaning I needed to be at school by 8:00 or 7:55 because someone was going to show me around the school to get a good picture of how and where I needed to go . By the time I arrived at school it was 7:50 , when I walked in I headed straight to the office since I didn't know where everything else was . When I got there the office lady took me to the principals office and he gave me my text books and schedule. I asked him a few questions that by the time I realized there was someone standing behind me , waiting for a turn to talk . It was a guy , I think he was a student he looked way too young to work as a teacher or office person.

When I got called off to the office I thought i was in trouble but I guess I wasn't . Which was actually a pretty bit unbelievable , by taking a look at my record . There was this girl , and she asked a lot of questions . I didn't think she realized that I was even in the back . " I'm sorry to interrupt , not really , but umm why did you call me up Mr. Turner ? " I asked looking straight into his eyes . "Ah , William just the guy I wanted to see . Come in and sit down next to the young lady now ." He said with a really big grin on his face , he continued, " Emma this is William, William this is Emma she is new to Tuchman High . Now I called you up here because of how much I know you know this entire school. So you will be showing Ms. Davis around , until lunch time ." He said . "But-." I didn't even get to finish my sentence . I didn't even get a say in anything . She was just looking at me like if she had done something bad , I think she kind of felt bad .

~Emma ~

I didn't know what to say exactly. It kind of seemed like he was being forced to show me around . Don't get me wrong I mean he sounded like a good guy , but at the same time he doesn't seem like a good guy . It's like a rose it's pretty from the outside but it has its thorns in the outside that cause trouble . Was he trouble ? I didn't know and wasn't really hoping to find out .

Well that was the second chapter of "About Emma " I hope you guys liked it . I am currently working on chapter 3 so it will be coming very soon . I hope you guys liked it remember to feel free and ask any questions. And please try to stay positive, again thank you .

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