7. Nothing set free

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It had been 2 hours and William hadn't even bothered to say anything. He didn't even bother looking at her. "I can't
believe that he took her side , I mean yeah there a thing, but , me who wouldn't be on my side." Hayley said grabbing
a tray from the lunch counter. "Come on were sittting over here , now these people may look really crazy , but I promise
you that they are really chill, and will probably end up liking you." Hayley said , while I was putting a slice of pizza on
my tray. "But anyways you never told me who this lucky guy was." Hayley replied as we headed to the lunch table with her
friends. I Couldn't even, I didn't even know that he was there. "Derek." I said sounding surprised but at the same time
happy."Omg, Emma you know Derek?" Hayley asked with a very, very surprised face. "Yeah , yeah we met this morning."
Derek said blushing. He was blushing how cute , was I blushing? "Okay well, Emma since you already know Derek this is Cameron ,
Mason , Maggie , Jade and Miguel. Guys and girls this is Emma ." Hayley said as I said hi to everyone . "Oh, you could sit
here if you want Emma?" Derek asked standing up. " No it's fine ." I said even though I really wanted to sit down.
" C'mon we both know you want to sit." Derek said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the chair. I could hear Jade,
Hayley and Maggie mumbiling about how we make a cute couple. Great. "Thanks, but are you sure you don't want to sit."
"No , it's fine." Derek said looking down at me smiling. Hayley was right her friends and i guess now my friends are
really nice and cool. "Can I get your guy's trays?" I asked gathering all the trays to throw away."Oh let me help you with that." Derek said grabbing half of the stack. "Oh , no it's fine really." I said grabbing half the stack back but he grabbed them back before I had I time to react. I just smiled and walked to the trash can.
"Derek, can we talk." William asked . I hadn't even seen him coming towards us . Derek looked back as if I needed to decide if he could talk with William. "I'll get our things ." I said heading back to grab our things . "Hey, me and Derek are going to get going right know ."
"Okay, wait a minute is Derek talking to William ?" Hayley asked . "Yeah why?" I replied . "Don't you think it kind of awkward ? Think about it what if one guy likes you and the other doesn't or if they both like you ?" That question Hayley asked me , it really clicked inside of me , and I have no explanation of why it had clicked in me.

"What was all that about ?" I said pulling Derek outside. "What was what about?" Derek replied . "You and Emma ." I replied. "What about us? Okay your getting really weird now talking about me and Emma like its a problem, What is it you need?" Derek said making a serious face. I wasn't getting weird I was just asking questions about him and Emma . I guess it does sound a little weird. "Just wanted to know if you were going to practice or photoshoot ?" I said holding the door for Hayley and Emma to come out . "Hey William " Hayley said . I wasn't talking to her after what she had told Elena . Did she expect me to forgive her after all the things she did to my girlfriend? "I'm going to practice." Derek said looking back at Emma . They smiled at each other . Did he like her or did she like him? I just hope no one falls for anyone. "Alright well I have to go , I'll see you later." I replied bumping his fist . I headed to Mrs. Cora's class to tell her why me and Derek wouldn't be able to make it to the photoshoot.
Before I knew it Hayley was following me assuming she wanted to talk to me.
"Why won't you talk to me , I didn't do anything to you. " Hayley said grabbing me by the shoulder. Of course she had to make a leap of faith considering I'm like 7 inches taller that her. "Maybe you didn't do or say anything to me but you did insult my girlfriend." I replied looking down at her. "Well, she deserved it you know." Hayley said . It questioned my mind how Hayley said that she deserved it . "Look I got to go , maybe you should try apologizing to Elena . Once you've done that maybe you and I can talk." I told Hayley that and then walked away because she hates those types of things. I've know Hayley since the 6th grade , I know a lot of things about her . Things she likes and things she doesn't like . For example, she hates apologizing. So it was going to be quite a day for Hayley trying to apologize , most likely since she's not very good at it. Just hope she can do it.

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