Ship Meme

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Freddy X Bonnie:

Who worries about how they will look when they're older: Bonnie

Clings to the other during scary movies: Bonnie tends to like scary movies, doesn't mean he won't cling to Freddy though.

Gets into the shower with the other randomly: Bonnie does it a lot, scares Freddy so much.

Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone: Freddy

Initiates hand holding while the other is driving: Freddy always.

Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events: Bonnie will, making Freddy Freak out and it's quite amusing to Bonnie-Bae.

Asks weird questions in the middle of the night: Freddy because he has a bad sleeping schedule,Bonnie will end up staying up some nights....maybe dancing under Le sheets~

Asks "what are you thinking about?": Bonnie

Always has to be touching the other, (if either of them do): Bonnie. He likes to hold him and for Freddy to hold him in return. Freddy getting protective over him is one of his biggest turn ons.

Red X Clyde:

Who worries about how they will look when they're older: Red

Clings to the other during scary movies: Clyde. He hates scary movies...though he denies it.

Gets into the shower with the other randomly: Red.

Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone: Clyde does it more than Red. Definitely.

Initiates hand holding while the other is driving: Red only drives, Clyde walks even though he can drive, though he has problems reaching the pedals

Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events: Clyde is secretly quite the pervert.

Asks weird questions in the middle of the night: Clyde will ask the most strangest clothing.

Asks "what are you thinking about?": Red does it. A lot.

Always has to be touching the other, (if either of them do): Clyde likes to touch Red.

Jack X Jedd:

Who worries about how they will look when they're older: None, they're shadows.

Clings to the other during scary movies: Jedd. Jack loves them.

Gets into the shower with the other randomly: Jedd.

Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone: Jedd.

Initiates hand holding while the other is driving: This doesn't really apply to any of them. They don't drive.

Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events: Jedd, though he won't go to large massive events that jack needs to attend to.

Asks weird questions in the middle of the night: Jedd

Asks "what are you thinking about?": Jack

Always has to be touching the other, (if either of them do): Jedd.

Spring X Goldie:

Who worries about how they will look when they're older: Spring mostly.

Clings to the other during scary movies: Goldie.

Gets into the shower with the other randomly: Spring.

Flashes the other when they walk by after taking a shower alone: Spring.

Initiates hand holding while the other is driving: Goldie.

Secretly tries to touch the other in naughty places during public/family events: Goldie.

Asks weird questions in the middle of the night: Goldie.

Asks "what are you thinking about?": Goldie.

Always has to be touching the other, (if either of them do): Spring really likes to but he doesn't because he's shy secretly.

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