Chapter 6

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"Kacie, do you wanna go steady?" It had been two weeks since the kiss. Two weeks since Darry had started calling Kacie his girl, and he was just now asking her to go out with him for real.

"Y-yes. I'd love to," Kacie said. She didn't let it get her down that it had taken him so long to ask, because no one had even asked her before. She was happy for once, but she knew she wouldn't be forever. She knew they wouldn't be able to just ride off into the sunset and let everything be happy, because that wasn't how things worked, especially if Piper were to have something to say. And she did, ever since the first kiss.

"You kissed him?!" She had yelled when Kacie got upstairs to their room. Screamed really.

"Were you spying on me?" Kacie eon defend aloud, although nothing could have wiped the smile off of her face.

"Maybe I was. But I went out with him first, you little skank. Two days before. I can't believe you would actually do this," Piper declared. Kacie shrugged it off.

"Well sorry. I thought he was free game when you said you didn't like him." Piper glared at her sister.

"You told me you were studying," she jabbed.

"We were," Kacie argued. There was no denying that that's what they started out doing.

"Whatever," Piper said. She gave up quicker than Kacie was used to, and she was a bit taken aback by it as she changed into her pajamas. She fell asleep planning out how to deal with her sibling in the morning.

There was a lot of avoiding going on the next day, and every day for the next few weeks. Kacie left early for school so she could spend more time with him, then let him walk her to the studio for gymnastics on practice days, or she went home with him. She always got back late, no earlier than 9 PM, no matter where she went, and spent a few hours after that doing research in books, writing letters and focusing on anything she could but her family. She told no one what she was working on, not even whether or not it was for school. Even though they wondered where she found the time to check out her books, her parents didn't mind.

Neither did Piper really, in fact, she was glad that Kacie was out of her hair. Although she was curious. After letting it go on for two weeks, on the night Kacie told Darry they could go steady, she confronted her. Knowing that she wouldn't talk about it, she didn't ask about the books and letters. But still, Kacie denied everything. She didn't want it getting everywhere, and she most certainly didn't want Piper any angrier with her.

"I was practicing," she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Cut the crap, Kacie. What have you been doing?" Piper responded. Kacie shrugged.

"Gymnastics. After school almost every day." It wasn't a lie, that was what she'd been doing, just not all of it. Piper rolled her eyes.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid, Kacie? I want to know what's going on, and I want to know now," she demanded. Kacie rolled her eyes. Like it was any of Piper's business anyways!

"Fine, you wanna know? I've been with Darry," Kacie admitted. Piper stared at her, laughed.

"I knew it. I knew it... But I just can't figure out why he would want to hang out with you," she responded. Kacie shrugged.

"I dunno. But we haven't just been hanging out, Pip. We're dating. He asked me to go steady today." It's not like she was expecting a congratulations, or any kind of praise in response, but she was still surprised by the answer.

"Wow. Okay." That was all Piper said.

"What?" Kacie asked.

"You stole him from me," Piper accused. Kacie walked away, and that was the last they talked for a few weeks. Hurt by the words, Kacie started doing 6 to 7 days a week dance classes, and only saw Darry during school. He figured she was practicing, which she was, along with mentoring a young girl, Angelina. She was 12 years old, the same as Darry's younger brother, Sodapop. For weeks, Angie was the only girl Kacie would engage in conversation with, and it was mostly to help her with moves.

The two of them were close, having worked together since she was 9, and Kacie was 12 or 13. Angie told her everything, from her past, to her in and out mother, abusive father, and her crush, Dallas Winston. Kacie didn't say much about her home life, she was so embarrassed of it, but she sometimes talked of Darry.

"He did the cutest thing today," she would gush, then go into a long story. Angie begged to meet him, but Kacie would always say no, not today, some other time, or something along those lines. One day, her pleads were answered when Darry came to the studio around 6 PM. He asked Kacie to dinner, to which she denied. She told him she needed to help Angie, but she said she was fine.

"C'mon, Kace. I never see you anymore. Just one dinner," he said.

"Why?" Kacie asked. "I'm really busy." She wanted to go, but something inside told her not to. That everything she'd be working towards would finally come into play, and she wasn't ready for that.

"Because I miss you," he said, putting his arm around her waist. She realized then how much she had missed that. Looking around the gymnastics studio once again, the room that she'd spent so long in every afternoon of every day, week, month, for as long as she could remember.

"Okay," she told him. "We'll go." And although she didn't say it, she knew full well that this could be the last time she could see Angie.

A/N: Finally an update!! Sorry it seems so out of place and rushed, I just needed to get to the real story. So I have some questions:

•What do you think of my smol Angie? She's the one I've been telling you about, that I might do a spin-off on later on.

•What has Kacie been researching? Think back to my first authors note and give me your thoughts.

•What does the last line mean?😈

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know!! -Katy

The Best Thing ||A Darry Curtis Fanfiction||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang