Chapter 8

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Since you guys seem so attached to this story, I won't give up just yet. We're just getting to the good stuff, anyways!❤️

The next Thursday was the last straw. She hadn't gone back to gymnastics all week, and so far she wasn't really missing it.

That day it had been dark and gloomy, but Kacie never thought that would get in her way, especially when she got on the bus after school, planning to go home, leaving with a kiss on the cheek from Darry. She spent hours doing homework, and of course struggled on her math, but it didn't matter. She was still in a pretty good mood. Until dinner.

She and Piper were going at it, but neither of them really had any idea as to why. They fought and fought, calling each other names, yelling across the table angrily until Piper's mom gave them a stern glare and yelled, "Enough!" And from there it was completely silent. After a while, Kacie and Piper were sent to their room. Almost like their mom forgot the fact that they share a room.

Which makes you think, "are you sure they're wealthy?" They are. It was another way Mrs. Jones thought the girls could "bond". It didn't help. After doing all of her homework, Kacie found that it was already 10:30.

"God, how'd it get so late?" She asked herself, aloud. Piper looked at her.

"Late? Kace, the night's just begun!" She exclaimed, extremely sarcastically. Kacie roller her eyes, annoyed, but also a little bit amused at the comment.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to bed," Kacie said, before turning off the light. The only light in the room, too. It was a good thing Piper didn't do her homework...

"Night, sis." Piper said in her normal sarcastic way. Which made Kacie angrier than she had been before.

"Look, you need to stop that. I'm not your sister and I don't want to be known as such, by anyone," she said. Or rather, loudly yelled. Piper rolled her eyes from across the room, and Kacie knew it even with the light off.

"You're going to have to get over that," Piper said. But Kacie shook her head. She didn't want to. She never would. Piper knew it.

"We really are sisters," she said. Kacie wanted to punch something. Someone. Her father, her "sister", her horrible, evil stepmother who basically killed her mother. Just someone. She punched her bed instead.

"Calm yourself. You wanna hear the story you've been too dumb to understand your whole life?" Piper asked. Kacie whispered a small "sure," but wasn't sure she really wanted to know.

"You know how I call your dad Daddy? And how I always have?" She asked. "You always tell me to stop, you used to think I did it out of respect, but did it ever occur to you that he really could be my bio father?" Pieces to a puzzle started coming together all at once for Kacie. The cheating had been going on a lot longer than she thought. Things were bad, very bad. She did not want to be related to Piper. If there was a way she could live on and Piper could cease to exist, she would love that option. And she only felt a little bit guilty for thinking it.

"You're lying," Kacie said. Piper was always doing things like this to get her step-sister riled up. Right?

"I'm not," Piper said. She sounded totally serious.

"You're... you're just jealous!" Kacie accused. Piper stared at her for a second.

"And what would I have to be jealous for?" She stopped for a second before continuing. "The fact that you had a mother who loved and took care of you? That your father's never denied that he's your creation? That no one had to kill themself so that your family could be less broken? I don't have anything to be jealous for, I'm fine." It was all true. It was the first time, though, that Kacie realized Piper may not have been as fine as the face she put on said. But the words still hit close to home.

"This family's still broken. At least your parents, if that's what you really want to call them, are even together," she fired back. When Piper started crying, Kacie took it as a sign. "And it's not like that killed my mother, either." She said it and got up, listening to her apparent half sister bawling her eyes out.

"I gotta get out of here," she said, taking her purse and an extra pair of clothes. Piper wiped her eyes.

"Mom'll call the cops if you're not home in the morning." Kacie shrugged.

"So let her." She didn't think she really would, it's not like she cared that much.

"Kacie, you shouldn't go," Piper responded. It was already 11:00.

"I have to," Kacie said. "It's not like anyone'll find me." She was close to tears, and she knew it was time to do this, for real.

"Nope. No one's gonna find you laying on Darrel Curtis's couch the next morning, are they?" Kacie shook her head, trying to hold herself together as she walked out. She didn't to go there. She didn't even think someone would be awake to let her in. She just needed to get out.

She wandered the streets of Tulsa until she was right in front of her her boyfriend's house. Was she that predictable? She held her hand up, trying to decide if she should knock or just go home. And then she remembered something Darry had told her awhile ago, back before they were together.

"Don't you have a key?" She had asked one afternoon on the way to a tutoring season. He shook his head.

"Nah. My ma and dad always keep it open in case one of the guys need to crash." Well? She needed to crash. She opened the door, praying that this was a good idea.

A/N: Are you guys excited? What do you think'll happen next?

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