Civil War

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The night was pitch black but it was not as though it made a difference to the flying man above the city. He wasn't really flying of course he left that to the ones who wore capes. Capes were the powerful ones the ones who did need to worry about it getting snagged in a fist fight. Thor didn't have to worry about his red carpet getting caught on something in a fight. He would just smash what ever the offending thing was that had dared to slow him. He cleared the gap between the buildings smiling with what some would consider a devilish grin at the daring death defying leap. Landing with a tuck and roll he managed to bring his feet under him and continue running. It was a chase. He grabbed hold of a metal ramp leading to a higher floor, arching his back, he swung himself up.  Thud. Thud. Thud. He could hear the man's foot steps his heavy breathing even without his super hearing. He was close.  He stuck to the shadows hoping to remain concealed. Daredevil had played this game of cat and mouse before. He just wasn't liking being the mouse.
He needed a place to hide but he couldn't go home. That was the first place they would look. After all they knew the he was Matt Murdock. It wasn't like he had bunkers all over the city either, like some of the billionaire superheroes 'cough' Tony Stark. That left him with few options. He had no wish to endanger his friends but they might already be in trouble. Going to Foggy's would get him off the streets for a much needed breather and allow him to make sure Foggy was safe. He dropped through an open window into the stairwell of the apartment complex. The rough uneven surface of the concrete cut into his already torn and bloody gloves. His own labored breathing was making it difficult for him to make out the sounds of his surroundings and his heart felt like it was going to explode from pumping so hard. Matt considered himself fit but the man chasing him seemed like he never tired and the gap between the two was closing. Suddenly, a rush of air warned of a fast moving object incoming. Dropping to the floor Matt heard the metal clang of the object as it hit the wall behind him. He had no doubt that if the man who had thrown the shield had wanted to hit him he would be unable to be thinking this right now. The shield had been meant as a warning.
"Stop running soldier, you are only going to make things worse for yourself. There is no way you can escape. My team has you surrounded," said Captain America his tone was reasonable as ever but with an air of authority that could not be missed. Matt had never felt so tired. The last thing he wanted was to get into a fist-fight with Captain America  but the way his night was going it looked unavoidable.

" Why?" Asked Cap as he walked around the crouched Daredevil. The red hero's head did not turn to follow him but Cap knew he had heard. " Why would you side with him?  You hid your identify from the world so you should understand what we are fighting for. When the law stops protecting freedom which do you choose? Is the law really more important to you than freedom?"

" I am a lawyer," replied Matt with dark humor "My job is to enforce the law. The law doesn't have anything to do with freedom. It takes freedom and replaces it with safety." Cap yanked his shield from the brick wall behind Daredevil with enough force that he could hear the bricks in the wall crumbling. Daredevil had a brief image pop into his mind of what that kind of force would do to someone's bones.
"You're a lawyer who puts on spandex at night and beats the $;/-! out of anyone who escapes justice because the law isn't enough. And I like to believe, in America at least, some of the laws protect freedom and that is what makes this country so special. Besides when has Daredevil ever cared about safety?"
"Language, Cap," said Daredevil.  Cap gave a small smile at the long standing joke but he was glad Matt couldn't see it.
" I take it you are still going to rat us out to him?" said Captain America sadly.  Daredevil did not reply as he was calculating the best escape route.  "I take no pleasure in this old friend."  Captain America never got his chance to land a blow because at that instant the window exploded inward scattering glass everywhere. There was a solid thud as the steel tipped arrow found it mark and Matt hit the floor.

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