The Devil Runs when a Good Man goes to War

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Without a secret identity to worry about it was a simple matter to drop Captain America at Claire's hospital where he knew Rogers would be well taken care of. Drained he pulled off his uniform the moment he entered his apartment and collapsed into bed. He groaned when he realized he only had three hours until his alarm would wake him. A cloud of dust (the remainder of the tower) coated his pillow from where his head hit.
"6:00...6:00...6:00," repeated his alarm clock, which had speakers but no clock-face. Matt resisted the urge to chuck the thing across the room and go back to sleep. Dragging himself out of bed he got dressed in his daytime uniform and brushed his hair patting it down and hoping for the best. He called a cab and was driven to the courthouse where Foggy and Karen were waiting.
"Matt where have you been we are on in ten minutes," scowled Foggy waving his suitcase around wildly.
"Matt what happened to your face?" said Karen her voice filled with concern. Delicate fingers touched his face and a pain flashed from the touch. At times like this it would be helpful to be able to see. He never knew how bad his bruises looked or how to hide them with make-up.

Matt half smiled, which hurt too, and said, "Fell down the stairs. I should be more careful." He could hear Foggy's eyes roll in their sockets. "Be more careful or I will get you a seeing eye dog... or one of those miniature horses. They are so cute!" A thought popped unbidden into his head of Daredevil riding a pony around. Matt laughed and smiled at Karen, shaking his head. The sound of clicking heels on expensive marble made Matt turn to face the approaching person. Foggy did a once over. The woman was tall, well built, doe brown eyes were framed by long golden locks. She had red lips that formed an unwelcoming straight line.
"What can I do for you?" said Foggy stepping closer to the gorgeous woman, who gave him a glare.
"He means what can WE do for you," corrected Karen annoyed.
"I have been assigned to your case as protection. Last night someone broke into the Avenger's Tower and as our representing agents it was deemed wise that your party have some professional protection," said the woman curtly.
"No offense what is your qualification?" said Karen raising an eyebrow. Locking eyes with Karen the woman quickly flipped back her jacket to reveal a gun strapped to her waist and a symbol of a eagle surrounded by stars and stripes. That ended that conversation. As they headed into the courtroom Matt stayed back to catch their new guardian. He leaned close so that only she would be able to hear.
"Nice to see you to Black Widow."
"How," she breathed.
"I don't recognized people by how they look but by the sound of their hearts." With that he followed his friends leaving a dumb struck master spy behind.
"Let us, the people of this court examine the character of the man accused," Matt stood before the judge in this grey well fitting suit with his red sunglasses glinting from the light of the large windows of the court house. He held his cane in front of him fingers neatly folded over the familiar cool metal. "The owners of John and Smith Investment Company want to have Steve Rogers, my client put away because and I quote 'he is a danger to the community at large'." While Matt could not see the jurors heads turning to look at Steve he knew what they would see. Looking less than his normal handsome patriotic self Steve looked less like the poster boy for the marines and more like he had stepped out of the Walking Dead set. Super-serum had help somewhat but even that was wearing off. He was pale with large circles under his eyes. Bruises could be seen wherever skin was showing. He had been advised to stay in bed but being Captain America he had insisted on being here. Thor had helped him to his seat when he nearly collapsed on the short walk from the car/ plane thing Stark had made. The point at least was danger was not an adjective that could be easily applied to the Avenger at the moment. Thor, who had been selected as Steve's bodyguard, stood in his full armor and blood red cape, looking as bored as possible. Thor personally could not understand why any of this was needed and had offered to drop the offending mortals off into the dark dimension. This reasonable idea had been shot down by a horrified Cap, who had pointed out that this is America and individuals can't just drop people they don't like into other worlds without a fair trial. Karen had somehow managed to claim the seat next to Thor but the woman next to her kept giving her nasty glares. Foggy sat listening to every word of Matt's speech waiting for his cue.
"I would describe Captain America as loyal, smart, strong, caring, patriotic but would I describe this man as dangerous? Yes, Captain America is very dangerous." The sound of people shifting in their seats in surprise filled the room. Matt let the pause continue for a few more seconds than continued. "He is a danger to America's enemies. He has proven this when he fought bravely for his country. He is a danger to those who promote violence, evil, corruption, and injustice. So for those of us who stand here today, in this court of justice in the land of the free, we can be a men without fear for he is no danger to us. For those who still see this man as a threat, they should be very, very afraid. While they might not find judgement today and it may not come by the hands of Captain America. Judgement will find them. Villains fear heroes and the devil runs when a good man goes to war. This is the question I leave you with, do you still fear Captain America?"

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