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"What's going on," demanded Clint at the screen. Matt had a pretty good guess but he thought he'd let Clint direct his anger at Stark.

"He can't answer you. It's just a recording," said Foggy.

"Please Mr. Nelson, I invented the arc-reactor you think I can't master FaceTime? As for what is going on I think it is fairly obvious. I'm keeping the useless members of the team safe while we save the world." Matt snatched the arrow that had been aimed at Stark's face before it could find its mark.

"Save it for later," growled Matt to the archer who was about ready to explode, "We need to know what is going on." He tried to ignored the relief he felt between Foggy and Karen.

"Don't feel too bad. I would have left Goldilocks and Cap-cicle because of their conditions but you two were the only ones dumb enough to fall for it."

Matt added not being to detect lies over long distances to his weaknesses. A roar like the sound of lion mixed with the sound of a train crashing crackled over the communication line shutting Tony up.

"Stark," came Steve's voice from somewhere off camera. He sounded worried and out of breath. "She just took out the Hulk with a swipe of her tail and I think Thor needs medical attention. He is not use to being the one who gets burns." A large crunching noise like that of a car being squashed in a junkyard filled the room and then the wall cooled down again.

"What was that?" asked Matt in the shocked silence. He could not place the sound but he was sure it had not been good.

"I'm not sure but judging from the banana sized teeth. I think the Dragon just got her daily dose of iron." joked Hawkeye darkly.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Foggy on the verge of panic.

"We are getting out of here," snapped Clint stepping toward the wall and running his gloved fingers over the seamless metal surface.

"How?" asked Karen curiously. "Tony Stark said there was no way out."

"Well Tony may have paid for the building and built part of it himself but Director Fury trust's Stark to mess things up,- Ultron," scoffed Clint before continuing "and Fury has his Shield agents everywhere even on the building crew." Clint pressed his hand to the wall fingers splayed. There was a buzz and a four by seven section of the wall slid into the floor revealing a passage behind.

"Ooh - secret door," beamed Karen. Clint started down followed by Matt but when Foggy tried to follow Matt raised his hand.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"What does it look like we are doing," glared Karen "We are coming with you."

"No you're not," said Matt firmly "We are going to help defeat Dragon. You two are staying here where it is safe." Hawkeye was already out of sight down the passage.

"Are you kidding me? If I remember two minutes ago you were on the other side of this argument with Ironman. We can help."

"Karen, I know you still think of me as the helpless blind person you knew for so long but I been fighting crime for years even before I met you. I can handle this. It is not safe for you and Foggy. She would kill you without a second thought."

"Matt, when you first met me. I had been framed for murder and again and again I faced people trying to kill me. I'm no stranger to danger. I have dealt with life and death situations before. I'm not stupid either I'm not asking to go fight by your side in hand-to-hand combat with a dragon. I would loose- period. I have no superpowers or martial arts training. I know that. All I'm asking is to hang back and do whatever needs doing to help my friend save the city. Not cower in a hole hoping for the best."

"I'm sorry, but you'll be safe here," said Matt closing and locking the door from the other side in his friends face before sprinting after the Avenger.

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