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Matt woke with a jerk, like the moment when a dreamer wakes just before they hits the ground. Unfortunately, for Matt he did not need to imagine what that felt like. Every inch of his body felt like someone had taken a cheese grater to it. Reaching down to one of the more painful areas his finger brushed soft bandages. Confused and disorientated he placed one hand on the side of the bed for support as he started to roll off it to stand. Half expecting Claire's disapproving voice to greet he was slightly disappointed when a male and slightly robotic voice greeted him.

"Mr.Murdock I have been instructed that you need your rest. After all you helped save New York and the Avengers," came Jarvis' familiar voice rebounding from every wall of the medical room at once from the many speakers Tony Stark had installed. Relief flooded Matt to hear that the city and his team were safe. It surprised him as well to think of the Avengers as his team, just as much as he considered Foggy and Karen as part of his team. He guessed he truly was part of the Avengers now even if that meant dragons, aliens and the works.

"How is everyone?" asked Matt resting on the edge of his bed.

"Once Karen shot Dragon it seemed her magic lost it hold and reversed. Captain Rogers is recovering and is nearly already back to his old self. Thor managed to pull his hammer from the stone this morning. They just finished peeling Tony out of his latest suit of armor. Hawkeye and Black Widow are a little better off then yourself and are in the next room." Matt staggered to his feet and with one hand resting on the wall for support made his way the to the next room ignoring Jarvis' pleas for him to rest. He was surprise to be greeted by not two heart beats but eight. The rest of the Avengers as well as Karen and Foggy filled the room. Matt smiled as he leaned into the door frame listening to his friends, knowing for the first time where he belonged.

"I practically saved the city, I think I deserve a costume and superhero name," commented Karen to Tony and Steve. "How about Supergirl? Or Wonder Woman?"

"Pretty sure those are copyrighted." mused Tony thoughtfully.

"Here,"said Natasha as she tossed Client a refresh ice pack for his slowly blackening eye. He caught it easily in one hand.

"Looks like Clintasha is back on," whispered Karen forgetting momentarily not to fangirl and secretly wondering if Thoren or Karsteve was a better ship name.

"What did you say?" asked Natasha icily. Making Karen wish she had not opened her mouth but Tony stepped in, not to save Karen's hide but because he couldn't help ruffling Nat's feathers.

"You know a ship name... like if you ship two people getting together like Clint and Natasha Clintasha," said Tony watching with glee as Nat's skin started to match her hair. "However, I prefer the ship name Blackeye. More appropriate don't you think, Black Widow, Hawkeye?"said Tony gesturing to Hawkeye's swollen eye. Tony was saved Black Widow's wrath as Avengers tower shook violently.

"Not again! I just finished the repairs to her!" yelled Tony.

"Jarvis report," yelled Steve.

"Sir, it seems that a rash of super-powered zombies have hit the building."

It was a mad dash to the door led by Captain America ordering the Avengers to Assemble.

"Welcome to a normal day with the Avengers kid," said Hawkeye to Daredevil has he fell in step.

The End...   

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