Shrugging I peeled off my clothes and hopped it. I sighed with pleasure as the hot water poured down my back. I picked up my shampoo, Redken Nature's Rescue shampoo. I don't like the flowery or vanilla scented shampoos, I love the nature scented things. Its so calming. I've tried many different shampoos, this is the one I've got right now.

I scrubbed the shampoo into my scalp and made sure to scrub it into all of my hair. I then rinsed it out and grabbed my conditioner. After cleaning my hair, I got my body wash and scrubbed it on my body. I spent a while just standing in the shower and thinking about life. At some point I started singing to myself.

The song Me, Myself & I was what came to my head first. I sang the lyrics while I turned the water off and grabbed my towel and put it around my body. I exited the shower and the cold air hit me.

"Oh, it's just me, myself and I. Solo ride until I die. Cause I got me for life," I sang as I dried my body off. I dried off my legs and my back. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was still dripping wet but I didn't care. I tossed my towel over the bath tub. A low growl filled my ears. I turned my head to the cracked door and narrowed my eyes. No one was there. I walked over to the door and peaked out and no one was in my room. I sniffed the air and could smell my mate's scent.

That bastard, was he spying on me? My cheeks flushed as I realized that my mate probably saw me naked. Quickly I picked my towel back up and wrapped it around my body just in case.


*Parker Mason*

I stared tiredly at the papers scattered across my desk. I never get a break, its so stressful. I ran my fingers through my hair before leaning on my elbows. I've been working all night. I never get sleep around here. I adjusted my glasses on my face as I read the next file that I had.

'Alpha,' a voice said through the mind-link. I immediately knew it was my Beta, Zander. I took my glasses off my face.

'What is it, Beta?' I asked with slight irritation in my voice.

'We've found rogues entering our territory towards the east. We have captured them and they are waiting the be questioned, Alpha.'

An annoyed growled escaped me. Rogues are good-for-nothing mutts. They deserve to be taken care of, and thats what I do best. I smirked at the thought before standing up from my desk and exited my office. As I walked down the hall I heard the sound of water running. Temptation over came me causing me to grip the door handle and quietly turn it. I slowly peaked in and noticed she wasn't in her room. The thought of my mate showering all naked with water dripping down her body caused my jeans to tighten as I grew hard.

Damn, I need a cold shower right now. I then started imagining joining her which didn't help.

I then noticed the bathroom door was cracked. 'Take a peek!' my perverted wolf urged. Without even thinking I stepped into her room and was welcomed by her earthy nature scent. It was addictive to smell. There was a faint hint of a fruity smell that blended in well with it all. As I neared, I could hear the sound of Jasmine's voice singing softly as she showered. The sound of her voice sent chills down my spine. The familiar lyrics filled my ears. As quiet as I could I allowed my eyes to glance inside the bathroom.

Shit, this is so wrong. I love it.

I felt my stomach tighten and my heart to beat faster as my eyes focused on my mate who was currently in the shower not caring about the world. She looked so content. My eyes drifted down her body causing my eyes to darken. Holy shit. I took in all of her curves that I so badly wanted to touch.

She turned off the water which caused my heart rate to pick up more speed. I watched as she pulled a towel around her body. Immediately I felt disappointed that she covered up her body. I wanted to see more. But to my luck she started drying off her body. I watched as she tried off her tanned legs. My eyes drifted to her chest. They were big, and so tempting to grab, which caused me to grow impossibly harder. Damn, Its going to take me a while to get rid of this. But this wasn't the end, I watched her pull the towel off her body and turned to toss it onto the tub which caused me to get a full view of her ass. And that was it. A lustful growl escaped me. Jasmine now looked alerted as her eyes darted towards the door. With my werewolf speed, I stepped away from the door and was out of her room.

She knows I was in there. I know that she knows.

'Damn, our mate is sexy as hell,' my wolf commented as I headed to where I originally was going. But the image of my mate never left my head. His statement couldn't be anymore true. I felt guilty for the way I treated her but she needs to learn her damn place. She doesn't need to be so difficult. And the only way to get her to listen and respect me is to punish her. I do not tolerate disrespect towards me, I guess its my Alpha pride getting the best of me. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

I exited out of my house and shifted into my firewood colored wolf and took off into the woods towards the pack jail where those savages are kept. When the building came to view, I shifted back to my human form and put on a pair of jeans not bothering to put on a shirt. I entered the horrid place and was greeted by the revolting smell of rotten flesh.

"Alpha," Zander greeted me. I turned towards him and smirked. "Where are they?"

"Right this way, Alpha," he responded with a matching smirk and then guided me through the corridors.




*Jasmine Davis*

I felt extremely violated.

He was here, there is no doubt. My wolf didn't see the issue here but I did. His scent was strong in here.

So my mate saw me. I feel really embarrassed. Maybe he was disappointed? Maybe he's had many side-flings who looked way better than me?

'Stop worrying, Jamie,' Irene said to me, 'This is so unlike you. You never worry about our looks.'

I rolled my eyes at her, but she was right. I never worry about my looks. However, this is my mate. I guess its natural that I'm worrying around my mate. But I shouldn't, I told myself.

I had on a hoodie and a pair of yoga pants. I exited my room and was met by silence. He probably left. I rolled my eyes before heading down the stairs, not even Logan was here. I went into the kitchen and took out a giant box of plain cheerios. Seriously? Is this all he has? I really need to go to the store and get more food.

Without getting a bowl, I take the box with me to the living room and just flop down and start munching on them. Why is it so boring here? I want to do something. I could always go for that run that I've been wanting to do.

'Shift!' Irene pleaded. I could tell she wanted to be let free so I decided to go for that run. After finishing the whole box of cheerios, I went outside and peeled off my clothes behind a tree and shifted into my midnight black wolf. I sniffed the air and took off in the direction of the many different scents of werewolves.


Surprise! I did a part of this chapter in Parker's point-of-view. I hope you guys liked it, I had fun doing it although it was kind of hard because I don't know how guys think. If you like it in Parker's view, just let me know.

Thank you for the views!

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