Scavenger Hunt.

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We were pulled roughly from the back seat, and I tried my best to keep Kent out of harms way, ripping one of my arms out of the man's grasp so I could hold onto my injured brother.

They didn't pull me away, staying close to my side as we walked through the empty streets of this deserted area of town. Ike pulled out a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to a rundown-looking building. They shoved Kent and I in, and Ike smiled wickedly at me.

"No, my love, as I recall, we have some unfinished bussiness." He grabbed me up, pulling me against him.

I let out a disgusted noise in the back of my throat as he pressed his lips to my neck, but didn't struggle. I had a feeling the punishment would be something directed at Kent.

"No!" Kent struggled to stand, being held down by the two brutes.

"Don't, Kent. Please." I pleaded.

Ignoring me, he struggled still, watching as Ike's hand traveled lower and lower on my side. 

Suddenly, he jerked me to the side, and began dragging me to a different area. He pulled me into a room, and I realized that this was a temporary living space. A bed, and a few bags were scattered here and there. I gulped.

He threw me on the bed, and I struggled against his hold as he climbed on top of me.

"I told them I'd have you screaming my name, didn't I? I told you that you couldn't run forever. You're mine!" He snarled, taking my shirt and ripping the bottom.

I refused to let the tears blurring my vision fall, as I looked around for an escape. I noticed a pocket knife on top of one of the bags closest to the bed, and quickly formulated a plan.

I looked up at Ike, catching his shoulders in my hands.

He paused halfway through rippng my shirt, and looked up at me. I used all of the strength I had to flip us over, so I was on top of him. I swallowed the bile in the back of my throat at the horrible thing I was getting ready to do.

I leaned down, and smashed his lips to mine, capturing his attention to the fullest.

With one hand grudgingly running through his hair, the other reached out to the side, fumbling for the knife that I knew was there. As soon as my hand brushed the cool, metalic handle, I grasped it, slowly pulling my arm back to my side and flipping it open.

Ike's hungry kissing stopped as we both heard the sound of metal scraping against metal. I inwardly cringed, knowing I'd been caught.

In a flurry of movement, I pulled back, and pressed the knife to his neck before he could move.

To my surprise, he only grinned. "Are you really going to kill me?"

I swallowed thickly, pressing the knife harder. "I'm going to damn well try!"

He laughed. "You couldn't kill me, Jane. You wouldn't be able to."

I hated the fact that he was right. The fact that he knew my weaknesses - my faults. A new anger took over. He didn't know everything, however. I couldn't kill him, but I could damn well hurt him.

"I won't kill you, but I will do this!" I brought the knife up, and stabbed through his shoulder, making a sickening snarl/gurgle escape from him.

I rolled off of him, scrambling on my hands and knees to get to the door as he roughly pulled the knife out. I crawled over the duffels blocking my way, trying my damndest to reach the door.

A hand grabbed my ankle, and I cried out in fear, kicking feverishly at him. My foot came in contact with his face, and he growled, letting me go.

I scrambled to my feet, finally grabbing hold of the doornob, but a body collided with mine, sending me crashing into the weak door, causing it to fall through.

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