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I stared at Dad, my confusion gone, and replaced with absolute understanding.

"I know. But Dad... Ike already knows how I feel about Victor. Do you really think that leaving him will help?" I question.

Dad nodded. "If you convince Ike that it was just an act to lure him out, he'd back off. But that means...Victor has to believe it." He said, seeming pained as the last part came out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean...you have to tell him that it was an act. That you faked it to get Ike out in the open. He has to believe it." Dad said.

I swallowed thickly. "I-I don't know if I can-"

"Do it for Victor, Jane. It's for his own safety, and yours." Dad stared straight at me, his eyes emotionless.

Something was wrong. I'd never seen him like this before. He was always calm, always collected, but never emotionless.

"Dad...what's wrong?" I asked.

That snapped him out of it, as he quickly got defensive. "Nothing's wrong! I'm just trying to protect you!" There was a meaning behind his words, one that only I could catch.

"Who got you that black convertible?" Code for what are you not telling me?

"Uncle Jacob." I raised my eyebrows, that was code for danger.

"Uncle Jacob? You mean my Uncle Jacob?" I pointed to myself and widened my eyes slightly to convey the real question.

He nodded, bringing his hand up pointedly to itch behind his ear. I noticed an almost invisible ear piece as he nonchalantly moved his ear forward.

I swallowed thickly.

"What ever happened to Grace?" Code for what the hell is that?

He gave me a look for language, but continued speaking, "She divorced him." My face paled.

Divorce, in simple terms, meant threatened.

The entire code meant I've been threatened.

"And you weren't planning on telling me this?" I asked, forcing an amused smile on my lips.

He rolled his eyes for affect. "I thought it would upset you. You seemed close to her."

"Dad, I'm a big girl. You can't protect me forever." I said.

At this, his eyes were hard. "Well I can protect you as long as I can, at least."

I bit my lip against blowing our cover, and instead asked as I began to stand, "What's the latest on Ike?"

"Haven't gotten a lead on him lately. But I'm still looking. I promise I'll find him, Jane."

I nodded, swallowing thickly. "I guess I should go tell victor, eh?" I asked, letting nervousness and sorrow cloud my voice as I stood.

He nodded back, his eyes telling me what his voice couldn't - to be careful about this.

I gave a small, weak smile in acknowledgement of his look and turned, heading for the beach.

As I walked, I scanned the beach, trying to be casual about it. I noticed a man standing at the shore. His back was turned to me, and his head was bent to look at the sand. He had his hand to his ear as if he were talking on his phone. I gave him a casual smile as he looked up at me.

He gave a polite smile back, his eyes assessing me.

I kicked sand as I walked, pressing my lips together as I thought about how I was going to tell him this without giving away that I knew what Ike was up to. I ran my hands through my hair.

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