Family Problems.

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Waves crashed against the shoreline, horns honked way in the distance. Even the wind could be heard with all the silence in the air. Logan stared at me with utter seriousness, while my mouth hung open.

"Why...did you just do that?" I forced out, my voice strangled.

He let out a silent laugh, though no humor showed in his features. "Because I'm in love with you, Jane."

My entire being was frozen, as I stared at Logan in utter horror, and earnest confusion. He couldn't love me! That wasn't right! Not when I didn't love him back! Victor wasn't hard to accept because I loved him! I don't love Logan!

"I have to go!" I pushed away from him, but he caught my arms.

"No, wait, Jane. Don't do this. Let me explain myself!" He begged.

I shook my head. "Logan, you just told me you love me! How could you...say something like that when you know I love your brother?" I exclaimed.

"Maybe because it's the truth! Maybe because every time I saw you with Victor I felt like punching something! You deserve to know my feelings, just as I have the right to tell you!" He yelled back.

I jerked out of his hold, tears building in my eyes. "Well just because you have the right doesn't mean it's the right thing to do! Victor and I-"

"Don't tell me the right thing to do, Jane! I know you love Victor! I'm reminded of it every single day when you two are in the same room! I fell in love with you, I'm so sorry!" His voice was dripping with sarcasm as he said the last words.

I was exasperated, and confused. When did he figure this out? When did he realize that he was in love with me?

"I-I'm sorry but...I have to go." My voice shook as I spun on my heel and started down the street.

"Jane!" He growled, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me roughly back into him.

"No!" I protested, but I was too late.

His lips pressed against mine, as he kissed me once again. I struggled against him, but he only deepened the kiss. His lips were soft, and despite his rough hold on my arms, the kiss was sweet, and slow. My mind struggled against my body, which was demanding I let myself react. This was wrong! I couldn't...I couldn't respond to this warm...soft...tantalizing kiss.

I had no idea what my body was doing anymore. I felt my arms wrap around his neck, unable to stop them. Triumphant, he splayed his hand across my back, using the other hand to tangle in my hair.

I was powerless, as a warm feeling pooled in my stomach. Not love, no I could never love Logan the way I loved Victor, but it was close to love. It scared me that I cared so much for him.

Logan ran his tongue along my bottom lip, pulling me deeper into his trap, as my body responded, opening for him. My mind, muddled from his touch, desperately struggled for control again. His tongue met mine, just as the door opened, and Victor's voice broke through the trap Logan had me in like wire cutters. With all the strength I had, I broke away from Logan, so glad that we were hidden in darkness as I wiped my mouth.

"Jane? Logan?" He called.

Logan, gasping for breath as he stared at me, expressionless, replied, "Yeah, we're over here!"

I suddenly felt very hurt, and guilty as I realized what I'd done. I'd betrayed Victor's trust. And I knew I couldn't lie to him. Logan's eyebrows raised slightly at my expression, as Victor ran to where we were.

"There you are. What are you two doing over here?" He asked.

I turned my eyes from Logan, to meet Victors, and they filled with tears, as I bit my trembling, swollen lip.

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