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I could feel apprehension twist my gut as we arrived back home. I let Logan pull me from the car, feeling too nervous to move myself.

Partly stalling, and partly extremely grateful, I hugged Logan. "Thank you. I...I needed this." I whispered.

"Anytime." He smiled down at me.

Clouds had rolled angrily over as we'd driven, and I felt a drop on my cheek. "It's going to pour soon." Logan commented.

I looked apprehensively at the house, and Logan sighed. "If you don't want to face him right now-"

"No. No. I'll go I just...I might punch him...or kick him in the nuts." I muttered.

He let out a booming laugh and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, leading me to the front door. "I'd pay to see that."

I gave a small smile and sucked in a deep breath. He opened the door and pulled me in after him. Before I could see who was in the living room, Logan leaned down, blocking my view, and whispered in my ear, "Just so you sister was called Mega-Bitch in high school because she controlled everything around her." He whispered.

Peals of laughter escaped my lips, and Logan chuckled along with me, pulling back up with a satisfied smile.

"Thanks Logan. You just made my day completely." I chuckled.

He shot me a salute. "Anytime."

I glanced around the room, ignoring the face that I knew was there. Kent, Mom, Jean and Laury were sitting together, looking through a book.

"Have fun on your date?" Jean asked bitterly.

Instead of denying it, I played along, looping my arm through Logan's. "Oh yes and what a lovely date it was, wasn't it dear?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Oh of course, darling. I had a wonderful time." He teased.

"Let's go eat cookies and reminisce." I suggested, steering him around.

"Oh do let's." 

I snickered, ignoring the angry, jealous waves of emotion rolling off of a certain someone. It hurt to even think his name.

He pulled out the milk, and I got the cookies. We decided, with great delight, to break out the china and go all out, having ourselves a "tea and crumpets" moment.

We were laughing like two teenagers when I looked out the window, out at the pouring rain. The constant stream of water down the windows blurred the rolling ocean, but I saw three figures. One was! And the other two were either very small midgets or...children.

Completely sober, I stood up, not even flinching as my chair clattered to the floor.

"Jane, what's wrong?"

I threw on my jacket, not answering Logan. I rushed to the front door, flinging it open. I didn't care about rain, or that Victor and Logan were both shouting my name. I rushed out into the fray and pushed my hair out of my face as I ran.

I was halfway there when the woman collapsed, falling onto the sand, clutching her two children's hands tightly, almost causing them to fall themselves.

"Momma!" A girl cried, and I gasped.

"Linsey! Harry! What happened?" I questioned frantically as I leaned over the now coughing mother.

"A bad man hurt Momma. H-he wanted our candy money. He hurt Momma real bad." Linsey cried.

"Come here, both of you!" I said with a shaking voice.

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