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Three hours out, I got a call.

"She's at some diner, a couple minutes from the hotel. I looked it up, it's called Sam's Place." Logan explained when I answered.

"Thanks. I'm about ten minutes away." I said.

I disconnected, speeding the car up to nintey. She wasn't going to get away this time.


Pulling up to the curb, I watched through the window of the diner as she spoke to the waitress. Jane's smile was small, but I could see the tense way she held her shoulders, and the way that smile didn't reach her eyes. She was depressed.

I got out of the car, and the waitress noticed. She said something, making Jane turn her head. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. I leaned against my car, staring straight at her.

It took a second, but she finally got up, stumbling once as she excused herself from the table. I watched her rush to the doors, throwing them open and walking out. She gave me a dry, annoyed look. "I told you not to come looking for me."

I didn't answer, I pushed off from my car and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her slightly as I growled, "Don't you ever, ever leave me again. Do you know how stupid you can be? You beautiful, stupid, immature, lovely, stubborn woman."

I pulled her into a bone crushing hug, burying my face in her hair and inhaling her scent. She smelled like sea salt and coconuts. A very enticing scent.

"Victor...I can't breathe." She gasped, pushing against my chest.

I loosened my grip, pulling back so I could see her. "Jane, I could kill you. You wouldn't be protecting anyone by leaving. Don't you understand that? Ike already knows about us. He could find your family and lure you out any time! You aren't protecting anyone!"

She pushed my hands away, her face stubborn, but I could see in her eyes that she knew I was right. Her jaw clenched and she looked up at me. "If you died because of me, Victor, I would kill myself. I wouldn't be able to live with it." She said.

I grabbed her face in both my hands, staring straight into her eyes. "I will not die by Ike's hands. We're going to catch him, and he's going to jail for a very, very long time."

Tears reddened her eyes. "But...what if you don't? What if he catches us together? What if-"

I cut her off, smashing my lips to hers. I wasn't losing her again. She struggled, pushing against my chest as hard as she could, breaking us apart.

"No, Victor. Don't-don't do that!" She stuttered, backing away from me.

"Jane, I'm not losing you." I insisted, catching her hand.

A tear ran down her cheek, as she nodded. "Yes. Yes you are."

She ripped her hand from mine and turned, taking off. I stood shocked and hurt as she got in her car.

As the engine started, I forced myself to move, but I was too late. She pressed down on the gas, and sped off.



As I drove, tears marred my vision. That had to be the hardest thing I'd ever done. He was so determined, so hurt that I'd tried to leave him. And he was also right. I wasn't saving anyone. Ike probably already knew about Victor and I, but Ike didn't know where I was, and I threw out my cellphone. He has no way of contacting me, and no way of tracking me down. Obviously Victor tracked me down Via phonecall. There was no other way except...but Victor wouldn't do that...would he?

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