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It had been a week, and I still had not spoken to Kent, Mom, or even Victor. Logan was the only one I would speak to, because he did nothing wrong. I lost my cookies, and my milk! I was cookie and milk-less! I was going to die! 

Mom wouldn't even let me buy some. I'm twenty two for God's sake and I can't even buy my own damn cookies! 

I groaned as I watched TV in my room. I was so done with this. If I couldn't have cookies, I was going to have beer. A lot of beer. I hadn't gotten drunk in a while. I grabbed my jacket, brushing out my hair. I changed into a black sundress that was still sexy and form-fitting, along with black flats. I threw my jacket on over it, and skipped down the stairs. I didn't bother answering questions as I opened the door, I just slammed it behind me. They didn't need to know my every move.

I was a grown damn woman, and I was going to get drunk like one. I raced down the street before Victor could chase me out, retracing my steps to a pub I saw by the Bay. It took about ten minutes to get there, but when I did, I smiled brightly. Tonight was going to be awesome.

I showed my ID, stepped into the bar, and I realized it wasn't just a bar, it was a club. People danced and grinded together, while others made out or just talked at the round tables. I raised my eyebrows as I looked up at the different colored lights. I could tell I was going to be dancing by the end of the night.

Grinning at the thought, I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the bar, plopping down on a tall stool.

"Give me beer." I said.

The bartender gave me a weird look, "Specifications?"

"Dude, I just want beer." I snapped.

He held up his hands, and handed me a beer. I smiled in thanks as he popped the cap, taking a swig.

Someone slid into the seat beside me, as I was slipping off my jacket. "Hello, beautiful." The man purred.

I looked him up and down. Unnatractive. His greasy brown hair was in desperate need of a brush...or a blowtorch to get potential spiders out of it. His hooded eyes had this uncomfortable creeper look to them, and I knew that he'd been dared to come over here.

"No." I said bluntly, taking another swig of my beer.

Immediately, he left, his ego bruised. 

I swiveled in my seat, smiling like a child at the butterflies it gave my stomach at doing so. I leaned my elbows on the counter, beer in hand. I examined the large room, and noticed a game of pool going on in the corner of the room.

I grinned and jumped off of my chair, noticing that they weren't doing so well.

"Excuse me." I said in my best seductive voice, touching the buff man's arm.

They had just been starting up a new game, gathering all the balls together. The man looked up, and his eyes widened as he straightened. "Yes?"

I gave him an innocent smile. "I was wondering...I've never played pool before, and I'd really like to." I said, keeping my lips in a pout.

He stuttered for a moment, before finally handing me a que stick. I blew him a thankful kiss, and recalled the skills my Dad taught me.

I leaned over the table, acting confused. "Am I doing this right?" I asked.

The buff man leaned against the wall, his eyes roaming my body. "Perfect. Hey, how about we make a bet? However many balls you get in the hole, I'll pay you ten bucks."

I looked up with innocent eyes. "I-I'll try." I said softly.

I grinned as I hit the white ball, sending it flying into the others. They went into their assigned holes, every single one. I whiped my hands together, shooting the man a wink. "How many tens is that?" I asked innocently.

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