Thicker Than Water.

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Victor Price sat down across from me, not seeming amused. "I see you're intoxicated." He said.

"Dude, I'm wasted." I said.

"Sober enough to answer some questions, I hope."

I crossed my eyes upward and began twitching my eyebrows. As I saw that they were in operation, I nodded with a serious expression. "My eyebrows still move when I want them to. I'm good."

He narrowed his eyes at me and leaned foreward. "I'll make a deal with you. If I can get the answers I need from you, I'll cut your jail time down to two weeks." He said.

I crossed my arms. "What in the hell would you need from me that would get me out in two weeks?" I asked him.

"Well, you're the daughter of a notorious criminal, Dirk Harison." He said.

I smiled. "Dadio!"

"I want to know if he's contacted you recently." He said.

"Sure he has! You know he's very proud of me for that grand theft auto I pulled a few years back." I said thoughtfully.

"Listen to me. I want to know what he said." He said, impatient as I got off track.

I raised an eyebrow, happy that I wasn't too drunk to use them - they were my greatest sass weapons. "Blood is thicker than water."

"Listen, I know he's family but-"

"No, that's what he said." I explained.

He raised his eyebrows, so I felt the need to explain further, smiling in amusement. "It's our little code, for when he's close by. Usually he's watching us through the windows or something, but then he's gone. Off to hide out again. This time he told me that he was headed to Los Angeles, of course that's code for either Mississippi or Texas." I said.

He raised his eyebrows. "You don't think he'll be angry at you for sharing this information?"

I stared at him, my smile fading. I sobered instantly at his words.

"Blood is thicker than water." I said again, this time with emotion.

My father once told me, that if I were ever questioned like this, to tell them everything I knew. He didn't want me in trouble like him. He made me promise him, with a pinky promise and no crossed fingers or toes. It may not have seemed like much, but to us, it was a rendition of the hand on the bible. 

He stared at me for a moment, before looking down at the file he'd brought in with him. "Tell me, what else did he say?" He asked.

"I don't know, some sappy crap about how he loved me and that he'd never let anything happen to me or something." I muttered, not revealing how much those words meant to me.

"I see. Well we think we know the reason for this. Your father is not only in trouble with the law. He's in trouble with a gang. We think this is why he started robbing banks in the first place." He explained.

I shrugged. I'd already known that. "Yeah, so?" I asked.

"We think his life is in danger. He called us an hour before you started the police chase, asking us to put you and your family into protection. He pretty much told us everything, all except where he was located at the time. How long ago did he call you?" He asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What did he say to you?"

"Please answer the question-"

"No you answer my question, what did he say to you?" I asked, my voice raising.

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