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Dedicated to the wonderful MCcs3296 for the fabulous cover she made. She's the best and I highly recomend her to everyone who needs a cover!! <3 <3

So right now, my heart was pounding ten miles a minute, and my palms were sweaty. Did I seriously just get kissed by the one dude who probably isn't allowed to kiss me? I mean, I wasn't an expert on this kind of stuff, but wasn't there like a law against this kind of stuff? If not, then there should have been.

I slid down the wall, feeling more vulnerable than I've let myself feel in a while. Maybe this was his goal, to make me feel like a freaking vulnerable damsel in distress. He wanted to know what I was afraid of. I was afraid of the one gang member that caught sight of me years ago, and hasn't given up on making me his. His name was Ike. He was a ruthless gang member, intent on taking everything I held dear. Family, friends, and my virginity, because apparently he had some creepy obsession with me.

I remembered when I saw him, too. I was eighteen, and Dad and I were talking on the phone as I walked back home. I remember the look in his eyes as he stepped out in front of me, that horridly evil grin that plastered itself on his face all the time. He introduced himself, and then pulled me into an alleyway, still on the phone with my father.

I remember my father asking what happened, and when I managed to tell him, he said to give the phone to Ike.To this day, I do not know what he said to Ike, but he stopped, giving me a glare that could kill a weaker man.

He gave the phone back to me, and said something in my ear that haunts me to this day - "You won't escape me forever, Princess. I will have you all to myself one day, and Daddy won't be able to save you."

And that's when I kneed him in the groin and ran from the alleyway.

I was snapped from my thoughts whenever Glen rounded the corner and stopped to look in at me. "Normally I wouldn't allow this, but you have a phonecall from someone who says it's an emergency." He said.

"Say who his name was?" I asked, my face smooth, studying my nails.

"Actually, she said her name was Tracy." He said.

Oh my God. Recognition flew through me at the code name.

If a girl calls and says she's Tracy, that means I'm going incognito and that you have to call me Danny.

The son of a bitch made it!

I smiled so big I think even Glen was surprised. "Let me talk to her."

He led me to the phone, and I grabbed it from where it sat, eagerly putting it to my ear.


"What is blue, green, and red, and lives with the wind, and the stars?" If my smile could grow any bigger, it would have.

"A parrot."

I heard a bit of scuffling, "Jane?"

"Danny!" I sighed in relief, my entire being relaxing.

"Jane, listen to me, I'm not going to be able to make it to the vacation spot this summer," Code for Blood is thicker than water might have to wait a while, and he changed his appearance again.

"Whoa, so what color is it this time, blue, red?" I asked, referring to his hair.

He laughed softly. "Green," Code for black.

We have codes for everything, because we usually talk on the phone, and there is this really nifty thing cops can do like listen in.

"Cool! I want pictures, you've never gone green before!" I said excitedly.

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