Swimming Lessons, Followed by...Exploration.

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Sitting in my room, I munched on cookies as I watched TV, having settled on an infomercial on the Magic Bullet when I couldn't find anything else. At first I thought it was one of those bullets from the cartoons, which would find it's target, even if he was behind a wall or in a house or something, but then I find out it's a stupid mini blender.

"Come on, two payments of twenty nine ninety nine? Are you nuts?" I yelled at the screen through a mouthful of cookies, "That thing's not even worth one payment of twenty nine ninety nine!" I complained, a cookie crumb flying out of my mouth.

A knock on the door frame made me look up. "Hey, ah, can I talk to you?" Kent asked, looking like he was in pain.

"What, did you start your period or something?" I asked him, swallowing my cookie.

He glowered at me. "I'm a man, Jane." He said.

"Really? You could have fooled me, what with that long hair and all." I said, gesturing to his chin length, tousled hair.

He snickered at that. "Yeah, I have to get it cut soon. Anyway, I wanted to apologize, you know, about the water incident. You know I never would have done it if I knew that you had aqua-phobia." He said.

I gave him a dry look. "Dude, blood is thicker than water, literally," I laughed at my joke, he didn't. Fine then, at least I think I'm funny! "I forgave you, like, hours ago." I said.

"Hours ago? It's been three days since it happened!" He was joking, and we both knew it.

"Well I have to hold a grudge at least three days before I can let it go." I informed.

We both laughed. "Well, I'll leave you to your important infomercial. I heard the Magic Bullet is pretty cool." He said.

I snorted. "Yeah right. sixty bucks plus tax and shipping and handling, it better be phenomenal."

He laughed as he went down the hall. I grabbed another cookie, shoving it in my mouth. Mmm, cookies. I wished that infomercial with Mr. T was on. I loved that one. 

"I pity the fool who don't like chocolate cake!" I said, in my best impression of Mr. T.

Which was horrible. I sounded like Yoda on steroids. 

A chuckle came from the doorway, and I looked up. Oh God, I had the worst timing with my stupid Yoda/Mr.T impressions. Victor stood in the doorway, leaning on the frame.

"Should I be worried that Yoda was the padawan of Mr. T?" He joked.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my cheeks flushing.

"Get your bathing suit on, we're going to the Bay." He said.

I raised my eyebrows. "Um, I'm busy watching how I can get a second Magic Bullet container absolutely free, so..." I gestured to the screen.

He rolled his eyes. "Just get your bathing suit on."

I watching him turn and leave, glaring. What a jerk. I should just sit here eating cookies, just to piss him off. 

Of course, if I went with him and the rest to the Bay, I could see him shirtless.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth, I suppose. I thought as I jumped up from the bed, closing my door so I could change into my yellow and white vintage style bikini. The top was a giant yellow and white polka-dotted bow, while the bottom was black and white polka dots. I tied the strap around my neck and slipped on some shorts. I grabbed my sunglasses from the faded blue nightstand beside the bed, glancing out the window at the ocean. I shuddered. No way was I getting into that water.

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