Get Out of Jail Free Card

Start from the beginning

"Princess get off your arse," Snart calls over the screeching door.

I blink trying to clear my vision but the blackness still remains.

"Snart, she's hurt," Ray interjects.

A freezing hand picks up my wrist; accidentally brushing my side.

A small gasp of pain slips out and Snart lets go of my wrist instantly.

"You look like you've been through helheim, princess," he observes, "Can you get up?"

"I-i-i'm fine," I mumble back trying to ignore the fiery pain in my side.

I look up at Snart who is watching me doubtfully through his vibrant blue eyes.

Mick grabs his arm pulling him towards the door of my cell.

"She's too injured, Snart," Mick mutters, "We already look suspicious and if we're seen with her limping around it will make it worse. Snart, look at her, she can't even get up."

Well it seems me and Mick's agreement to be allies has worn off.

Ray stands up ready to fight Mick but Snart shakes his head.

"Mick, you're right," he says slowly.

"I am?"

"He is?"

He's leaving me behind again.

Mentally I sigh heavily.

Why did I expect anymore of him?

"You're right. She can't walk," Snart continues.

Oh no.

"So someone will have to carry her heavy arse out here."

"N-no you don't," I snarl forcing myself to sit up."

Immediately my ribs sting sharply and the air is sucked from my lungs.

Snart's body jerks forward as if to race to my side but Ray beats him to it.

"Kari!" Ray says; instantly leaping towards me. He slides his arm behind my back supporting me as I sway in my bunk.


"You're not fine, Jones," Snart interrupts a twinge of irritation in his voice, "Say it again and I will leave you here."

I glare at him and the ghost of a smirk appears on his face as he turns to Ray.

"You carrying her out?"

Ray shrugs and smiles at me.

"Least I can do right? You did save me back there when we were getting beat up."

"Mm," I reply before falling sideways onto him unable to sit up any longer.


"I've got her," Ray says cutting of Snart.

I blink blearily up at Snart whose jaw clenches as he stares at Ray.

Finally he shakes his head and wrenches open the door.

"Don't fall behind," he mutters over his shoulder to Ray.

Ray tenses slightly then slips his hands under my legs gently lifting me up in his arms.

I groan as his arm touches my bruises.

"Sorry," he mutters in my ear as we walk into the hallway.

"I'm fine," I murmur quietly closing my eyes.

"Do me a favor and try to stay awake. Okay, Kari?" Ray says tightening his grip on me.

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