Chapter 19

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[Niall's POV]

The sky had been gloomy since morning. Thick rain clouds were piled up, and the colour of the sky was unsettling. A damp, warm wind was blowing. Typical English weather. Nothing new here. But it did dampen my mood as I set out of the house.

Lately, Harry and I had been using the playground where we had shared our first kiss as a meeting spot. We had decided that since it was close to Harry's house, we would meet there and then head to Harry's room. At first Harry had complained half-heartedly, saying that we weren't kids anymore and that playgrounds were childish. But since he couldn't come up with a better meet-up spot, he didn't say any more on the matter.

What I loved most was that Harry would squeeze my hand tightly every time we passed the hydrangeas where our relationship had significantly changed. It was sort of awkward, yet the emotion was raw, and it was real, it was us.

But unfortunately there wasn't an appropriate place in the park that was sheltered from the rain. I tried to call Harry on his phone before I left the house, but he seemed to have it turned off.

The rain really sucks.

One after another, the raindrops had started to make patterns of dots on the pavement I was walking on. Opening the umbrella I had brought with me, I quickened my pace and headed for my destination in an almost-run. Harry would probably have enough time to go and grab himself an umbrella since he lived near the playground, but my instincts told me that he didn't. I felt propelled by something as I headed for the park, still running silently.

There was hardly a soul in the park even though it was still early in the afternoon, mostly due to the rain. Passing by the water fountain, I reached the cluster of hydrangeas and was disheartened to see no one.

“Niall. Over here.”

I whipped around, searching desperately for the source of Harry's voice.

“Under the blue slide. Look properly, will ya?”

I let my eyes follow the voice I heard as Harry slowly appeared from under the blue slide. Both shoulders of his shirt were completely soaked as there wasn't much of a shelter beneath the slide meant for children. But even so, he paid no mind to it as his eyes focused on me, making his way over to where I stood. He casually slid under my umbrella as I continued to let my eyes rake over him. How did I get so lucky to have a guy like Harry be mine?

Without thinking, I lashed my concerns out at him and said severely, “What were you thinking? You could've caught a cold! And why was your phone off?”

“I was at prep all morning. Did you call?”

“I did! I was worried that you'd get stuck waiting here. It would be better if you had an umbrella with you. You should have gone back gone back to the house or something..”

“Hey. Stop. Why would I do something as irresponsible as that when I have someone I've promised to meet?” Now the tables were turned and Harry was the one getting annoyed. He probably didn't go back to get an umbrella because he was afraid we'd miss each other, and now he probably thinks he didn't deserve to be given a hard time.

Extravagant Challenge [Narry AU] ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now