Chapter 10

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[Niall's POV]

But once I'm certain, then what will I do..? Another part of me rationally wondered about my next move. Either way, for now, I could only keep walking. Even before earning Harry's love, or finding out if his feelings were mutual, first I wanted to know my own true feelings.

When I had been with Holly, my heart had been filled with calm. Perhaps because she was my first girlfriend, I had thought it was love, but eventually I began to feel out-of-place with the calm. When I was dealing with Harry, it didn't go that way at all. Now I felt like these feelings of love for another person were completely different from my usual, serene temperament. It was like an emotional rollercoaster that left no doubt about the excitement.

It's right there if I could cut through the park. I had come upon a football field that had been set up as a playground and I decided to use it as a shortcut. Maybe I was nervous; I was suddenly very thirsty.

Looking around for a vending machine, I spotted a kids' water fountain in the distance and headed in that direction first. The first time I met Harry was at a water fountain...when he lent me his handkerchief. My angry exchange with Harry seemed like such a long time ago. Thinking back, a wry smile crossed my face.

Humming as I neared the fountain, I reached my hand toward the tap. Just then, a familiar voice reached my ears and I froze where I was.

“No, no, Heather. It's much quicker if we cute through here. No matter how many times you come over, you always forget.”

“Sorr-y! And as for you, you're still rude, Harry. Will you ever learn respect? You just like to contradict me.”

“Okay okay, I know!”

The bright, cheery voices were approaching me from behind. Not wanting to be seen for some reason, I made an effort to seem casual as I turned to face the jungle gym.

That's Harry's voice, but.. He was supposed to be at home celebrating with his family. As if answering my question, I heard Harry's voice again. “Everyone will be glad. It's been awhile since you've come to the house.”

“My pleasure. After all, it's my favourite guy's special day.”

Watching them from afar, the girl Harry was calling Heather seemed easily three or four years older. Judging from their conversation, she must have come over to celebrate his birthday and Harry had come to meet her. There was no way for me to tell from looking, though from the way they were chatting pleasantly they seemed like close siblings. But Natalie had told me that Harry didn't have any sisters, and the two of them didn't resemble each other in the least. Heather was pretty, to be sure, but compared to Harry's conspicuous good looks, the guy definitely won out.

I watched them, hoping they'd leave soon, but ironically Harry came and stood by the same water fountain, Heather joined him and they stood there talking.

“And how is it? Is the ring okay?”

“Yeah, great. See. I'm even wearing it now. There was a little incident and I even started wearing it at school. Thanks to that, my hand's completely used to it now. Looks good, yeah?”

Extravagant Challenge [Narry AU] ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now