Chapter Fifty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Because they've changed." He let out a grin, "And if I'm mistaken, it's my own neck I'm risking."

Xene frowned again, but tried to keep it straight. "I think you are," she said, then her own smile radiated from her face. She hugged him again. "I'm so glad that you're safe. Are you sure that you're not hurt?"

Ulric smiled, hugging her back, "Only a few injuries. But they're not major." He added quickly.

"You should get them checked out by the healers anyway. Otherwise I'll force you to have them checked out."

Ulric nodded meekly, "All right." He agreed, knowing that it was useless to argue.

Nearby, Thea leaned over Nikandros, watching him as the healers cleaned his wound and tried to make him comfortable. She watched with concern and asked, "Will he"

One of the healers glanced up at her while he worked. "Don't worry, we are doing everything we can for him." He reassured.

Nikandros groaned as the healers worked, and tried to push them away, while barely being conscious.

Thea gently grabbed his hands, pinning them above his head as she looked down at him. "Shh, let them help, Nik."

Nikandros muttered some incoherent words, but stopped thrashing.

Thea smiled, satisfied, and watched the healers expertly do their work.

Another healer entered the room and approached Thea, kneeling down beside her. "May I tend to your wounds, Miss?" He asked.

Thea felt a bit dazed but nodded her consent. The healer had her readjust and right away noticed her bandaged foot. He carefully peeled away the bandages and was mildly startled at the sight. The wound was still crusted with blood, stitches, and bruises all over it, causing quite a grotesque sight.

Ulric glanced over at the assassins, gaping when he saw Thea's foot, "What happened?" He asked, concerned.

"Just...a friendly horse." Thea responded sarcastically.

Ulric smiled slightly, deciding to drop the matter, "Is Nikandros okay?"

Thea's gaze lowered, "I hope so."

"I'm sure he'll be alright." Ulric said softly.

"Me too." She whispered.

The healer gently re-cleaned her foot and wrapped it up again. When he finished, he said, "You should not have been walking on your foot, or fighting." He added quietly, "I have to specifically direct you not to walk on it anymore. If you do, it may not heal properly."

Thea sighed, "Okay. Thank you." She tried to smile, but instead just leaned back onto the marble floor.

A young guard stepped forward, "May I help you to your room?" He offered.

Thea glanced up at him, "No, but thank you. I would rather stay with my husband."

The guard nodded, "Of course. If you change your mind just tell me."

"I will." She answered and bent over Nikandros once again. Gently, she brushed a strand of his hair away from his face. Then, she leaned down and kissed him on his grungy forehead.

Nikandros' eyes flickered open and seeing Thea, he gave a small smile, "You okay?"

Her eyes lit up and she smiled, "I am now that I know you are." She said as she rubbed his forehead. Nikandros sighed, and closed his eyes, resting.

"Can he be moved to his room now?" Thea asked one of the healers.

"I don't know, I don't believe it would be wise to move him, Miss." He answered.

"Very well." She answered, hoisting herself off the floor slowly. Her eyes searched for the guard that had offered his help and she called him over when she found him.

"Could you help me to my room?" Thea asked him.

The guard nodded, "Of course." He picked her up, "Where is your room?"

She guided him along the corridors and instructed him to stop at the door. "If you could wait here, I just need to go and grab something inside." Thea asked.

"Didn't the healer say not to walk?" The guard asked, uncertainly, "I can take you into the room." He offered.

"I'm sure it will be fine." She assured him, trying to get out of his arms.

The guard frowned, "I'll bring you in there." He opened the door and walked in, setting her down on the bed.

Thea sighed, "Okay then..." She muttered. She pulled the blanket off the bed and grabbed the pillow. "Can you bring me back now?" She asked.

"Alright." The guard picked her up and brought her back to the citadel.

Nikandros had been propped up into a sitting position. His eyes were closed though, and his head was resting on his knees.

The guard put her down beside him and she quickly thanked him before turning to Nikandros. "Nik? Why don't you lay back down? I brought some things to make you more comfortable." She said, eyeing him worriedly.

Nikandros lifted his head up and smiled as he saw Thea, "Thanks," he said gratefully. Thea gently helped him lay back down onto a pillow with a smile. She spread the large blanket over him, tucking it in around the sides.

"Rest." She whispered, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you." He said, smiling, before he slipped into sleep. Thea smiled sadly at him, wishing she could take away his pain.

She looked around the room at the mess of blood and people loitering throughout the large area until her eyes fell upon the Master's body. A feeling of hatred shot through her, but it dissipated quickly as relief replaced it. He was dead. They were safe.

Ulric surveyed the battle scene, before he took action and assigned jobs for the citadel to be cleaned. Everyone took action, and soon the citadel was cleansed from all the blood, gore, and muck.

And here it is! Another chapter right after just as promised!!!! And now the master is dead, wow. So much for Aris' characters. Pretty much all of them have died. Except for Xene. She's still alive and we might still see her soon! (Hint hint)

But, the book is nearing the end with a mere, two chapter more I believe and the. A wonderful, magical epilogue that might just make you explode from feels like it did me. But don't fear, it was worth it!

Ithildae, Evara, and Aris

The Master--Aris
Alicia--Aris, Ithildae, and Evara
Eric--Aris and Evara

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